Saving the Day

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Hey all!

Lemme start out by letting you all know that a new blog entry is in the works for this weekend, and the reason I called this update what I did is due to something I’m about to explain, and will elaborate on the important connection to that topic this weekend! Believe it or not, this past weekend, I got so busy both with at work and with my other errands in general, that when I received what would kick off the inspiration for this upcoming blog entry, it didn’t even initially click, in that regard! I had to think a lot more about it yesterday, and that’s when all the potential for it hit me….as I was originally just gonna bring it up as part of this update, but then I realized I could do something a lot bigger with it…and it’s something I think might really resonate for our community!

That being said, let me get to why it’s called what it is:

“Saving the Day” is a song on the Ghostbusters soundtrack by the Alessi Brothers, and the significance of this is that….I realized this past weekend that my resurrected interest in both this franchise, and Masters of the Universe–back in high school–weren’t just some nostalgia trips for me, that would eventually develop into something further; no, friends…not by a long shot.

I was thinking about the lead-up to my return to those franchises in my teen years; in the case of Ghostbusters, I would watch Ghostbusters II every time it came on TV, and then while watching a comedy special on PBS starring Rowan Atkinson, a clip from Ghostbusters featuring Stay Puft was used, and…..I could feel a spark in me that had been dormant for several years. At the time, it was common for me to go to the library on weekends, look up music, and check it out from the library; at this point, I was listening to a lot of stuff from the 1970s. Well, one day as I was typing in music, I typed in “Ghostbusters soundtrack”, and when I saw I typed it in, I didn’t understand why, and just left with the rest of my music. I found myself doing it again a week or two later, realizing that something inside of me wanted to “have another go” with the franchise, and in the process, I checked the soundtrack out, rented the the movie from the video store, started trying to buy up all the vintage animated series-tie-in toys, and the rest is history.

In regard to He-Man, one night I was just looking thru an internet directory of vintage 80s TV properties, found Masters of the Universe, and said “I want to check out Skeletor, just one more time; ok, now I want to hear him talk again…just one more time“; and I repeated this with several other characters. I woke up the next day, fully energized with renewed investment for the power of Grayskull!

“Ok ok Russell….so it sounds like for some reason or other, as a teen, you just felt a nostalgic rekindling, but didn’t anticipate it growing from there; who cares?”

My friends….I’ve come to realize recently there was a much, much deeper reason for this; something I never under any circumstances would’ve concluded back then, but the level it resonates with me now is simply amazing:

Why would I suddenly be seeing Ghostbusters II all over TV, then a clip from the first movie on a Rowan Atkinson program on PBS, and suddenly have a desire to look into the soundtrack, while at the library checking out music? God’s guidance. For the same reason I got more excited over checking out the He-Man page than pretty much any other property in that directory, that night: God was directing me down a path with both of them, and for a very important reason, and it goes far, far beyond “hey remember this awesome franchise from your childhood?”:

What, you may ask, is so significant about God directing me to franchises I loved when I was a kid? Simple: both were franchises that I was invested in before the societal programming got heavily pushed on me. In other words, even back then in my mid teens, God was trying to lead me back to myself, and in turn, to Him; yes even before he pulled me out of college, he wanted me as far away from the Programming as possible, and invested in what I had chosen at a young age; and bear in mind….I was a child in the 80s; there was no shortage of popular franchises at the time. Sure, I liked Transformers, GI Joe, Thundercats, etc all just fine, but I never really felt the genuine investment for them that I had for Orko and Egon Spengler, let’s just say. So this was God leading me back to me, and all the way back then.

I recently did a post on Twitter that I shared on Instagram, and it’s gotten a considerable amount of notice via the latter:

I shared that I always used to feel like “I was on the outside looking in”, throughout my life; in fact I stated it in regard to the world of dating and marriage here. What I’ve come to understand in this entire journey….is that I used to feel that way because I was on the outside looking in, cause that’s where God wanted me. The only one trying to genuinely tempt me with the “inside” were the Dark Forces, much the same way they constantly try to tempt and gaslight you.

They know you’re something special, otherwise they wouldn’t push you the way they do; even a preacher I watched a clip of on Instagram said similarly. As another post I made on Twitter–and shared on IG once said–“if anyone ever says to you “you really think you’re gonna make any difference?”, you already have.

That being said, we’ll discuss all of this, and the heavy significance to our community in regard to it, this weekend. I hope you’re all excited, cause this one’s gonna be a fun one, and to be honest….I’m not even sure anything from the “conspiracy” community will be required from it (but I guess we’ll get there when we get there, right? 😉

Anyways, see you folks soon 🙂

Author: GettingRealWithAutism

I'm Autistic; I'm hoping I can speak for those in my community, and offer hope, encouragement, and advice for those in my community, and potentially clarity for those *not* in the community. So, now you know; and knowing is half the battle (cue the GI Joe theme)

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