Third Time’s The Charm!

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

I’m actually glad I waited as late in the day as I did to post this one, as just as I was eating my delivery order, Kneon of Clownfish TV posted that the recent drama between Sony and Microsoft over their video game consoles may have sunk them both, leaving Nintendo the last man standing. Incidentally, I was just thinking yesterday at work about how I believe the early 1990s era of gaming was the most vital in its history; really nothing after that 1988-1995/6 period genuinely had the impact on the gaming world the way those 8 years did. Everything after the Super Nintendo was either just slightly improved graphics/sound, or “more mature gaming”, none of which was really destined to leave the long-term impact on consumers the way that specific era set the stage for everything that followed. I remember when the Sony Playstation was first advertised in the mid 1990s, and I really wasn’t impressed at all; I even remember stating to my Dad how they don’t have any experience in the gaming market whatsoever, so I don’t see the appeal.

Looking back, it was all clearly riding on what had been built up at that point, without genuinely establishing themselves as an outlier in the field (kinda like as I was discussing it all here, recently). When you think video games, you think Nintendo; brand recognition. When I think consumer electronics, I think Sony. When I think computers, I think Microsoft…and with Bill Gates in the mix, something else entirely, but that’s to discuss for another time.

Bottom line: Stick to your fields, boys.

I not only have several further announcements today, before I get to the “feature presentation”, but one of those announcements might be enough to fill a blog entry on its own…but due to current time constraints, and something I may be quite busy with this upcoming Wednesday, I’m…..gonna cram it all in here, so just bear with me, alright? The positive side is….that “potentially really long announcement” will also segue in quite nicely with portions of the main topic at hand, so it’s not like I’m straying dramatically or anything just to get an announcement out of the way 😉

So first and foremost (well, technically second now, after what I stated about Kneon from ClownfishTV) is a big mother:

The Hill news outlet–which we may all remember as the propaganda rag that decided to throw it’s hat into the ring to be my experimental subject, regarding dissecting the Anti-Autism narrative, by bringing up how “vaccines cause that disorder/disability known as Autism”–recently decided to attempt to rain on the parade of the political side that is most vocal about pushing the Anti-Autism narrative, and make some claims about their political candidate of choice. I took this opportunity to attempt to bring up to the “conspiracy” community “isn’t it funny how the same rag that bashed Autism is now bashing your guy?! Are ya….are ya possibly seeing a connection here at all?”

Friends, not only did they not see the connection, but with that contribution to the chats, something else fascinating happened: all discernment went out the window by them, and they not only started quoting every single propaganda “study” or way they’re told to “cure” Autism, but openly revealed what I’d officially like to call “ADS”: Autism Derangement Syndrome.

Perhaps you’ve heard a similar term to define irrational hatred of a certain public political figure, but when I say these folks were “seeing red” the minute I laid that out for them is the ultimate understatement, including toward “high-functioning” Autistic folks. I even asked them “before you keep going on these fervors about Autism, could you please elaborate on your understanding of what Autism is?” to which I received dead silence.

In other words, as soon as you bring up Autism, they turn into propaganda zombies. They will tell you to “wake up”, or “use discernment” to their hearts content, as long as it’s within their frame of understanding. Gotta love it!

However, there’s more than just my experience with that example as to the reason I brought it up, and was so important to the updates of this particular entry…..but because of how it ties into some other events that also recently happened:

Jeff Hicks of WorldClassBullshitters recently did a video on the 25th Anniversary re-release of Star Wars Episode I: the Phantom Menace, and that it’s doing really well at the box office. According to Jeff Hicks, it appears to be an “enough time has passed” thing where people–including those that grew up with it–are now seeing it in a different light, and appreciating it in ways they weren’t doing so before; incidentally, it’s one of the few Star Wars movies I not only actually like, but have since I first saw it! On top of that, in his video, Jeff brings up having recently checked out the movie ET, from 1982, and…..said he was rather underwhelmed…that it just didn’t do a lot for him overall…to which I commented to him on Twitter that I’ve felt the same way ever since I saw it on video, and he liked my comment 🙂

Ok, so what the Hell does that have to do with the price of sugar back in 1932, you may be wondering? Follow me here….

My final “minor” example involves my former roommate, before we get into that heavy hitter, and how it ties everything I’ve brought up thus far together:

During my birthday weekend, I had a chat with my former roommate, recommending he check out that Quiet On the Set miniseries, and he told me he actually had been doing so, and we talked about not only the connections with Epstein/Hollywood, but I also brought in how it related to passing mentions I’ve made in discussion with him here and there over the last few years. He seemed to genuinely get it, for his sake I was glad to hear it, and I even told him I really had no desire to see the new Ghostbusters movie, in part as a result of all of this. I might check it out on DVD via my library network at some point, but overall couldn’t really care less. Well, I heard from him this past week, telling me he’d just watched it, and following that up with ” you should put aside all the Epstein conspiracy theory nonsense, and definitely check this out, because they’re back at the NY Firehouse, and everything in this one!”

When he said that, it confirmed–just like I’d stated in this entry–he was the exact same guy I’d known when we parted ways as roommates, nearly 5 years ago now, up to and including trying to use who I used to be to bait me into what he wanted…again.

Ok, so where am I going with all these examples, and how does it lead into the big mother on the horizon? You may see a lot of chatter these days on Twitter or Instagram about a major energy shift currently happening…..all following April’s Solar Eclipse. I actually originally wrote about this phenomenon, and the involvement of the Schumann Resonance in this entry here, basically summing up how the energy shift is pushing all those masks off, and revealing who people truly are to the surface.

All those times you were treated like complete shit throughout your life, and gaslit/shamed over it because “you’re just a disabled Autistic guy/gal”? No….now everyone is experiencing who the people really are that treated you that way, and it’s accelerating heavily; they can’t hide it anymore; the crowds are “collapsing” in that aspect, essentially….and it’s an impressive thing to watch, at least I certainly think so. The reason I mentioned WorldClassBullshitters and the newfound enthusiasm over Episode I was because of what I’ve been saying throughout these entries that with the vibration rising, what you may have been able to see in your attempts to resonate with others via entertainment that they never did….they may very well be starting to now; so feel free to start feeling less alone, in a way 😉

Lemme now bring you into the big example in relation to this, and how it leads into a particular aspect of our feature presentation, this round:

I recently had a revelation while I was at work, and it involved how “down in the dumps” I used to lament being single in my teens and 20s…as very openly stated all the way back in this blog entry here:

Looking back, I realize I didn’t really want any of the gals that didn’t want me! They were into doing “typical teen/college kid” stuff, including drinking, partying, drugs, etc….until of course the “fallout” in the late 20s where they “had to follow the matrix guidelines, settle down, and pretend they were upstanding citizens, while secretly wishing they could still do that stupid bullshit”.

As I told two of my former classmates (who I still regularly chat with, today):

“incidentally, before I got back on my shift after break last night, I suddenly come to understand better why I did so poorly on the dating market, even back during our teen years and early 20s. No….I wasn’t what the gals wanted, but I don’t WANT to be what they wanted, looking back. It was all about partying, getting high, and drinking, only to pretend to “settle down”, and follow the matrix domesticated path. They could never have handled a guy like me, ESPECIALLY not then, when deep down NONE of that appealed to me. It all does make sense now”

And both of them (both married, might I add) basically said in unison “amen, bro!”, one even chiming in “it totally makes sense; it really does”. Ok, where am I going with this, you might be asking? Let’s go back to my recent entry about the higher calling we as Autistic folks have with Source; I discussed about how Jeanette thought she could totally “pull one over on me” and convince me she was all that and a bag of chips while being a total mess behind the scenes, to still appreciate everything I was offering her, and ever since losing it, it’s kept her wondering “what could’ve been?” Well, let us link these two instances together, because this is where things are gonna get really, really important:

I think part of the reason I turned off the gals around me even then was out of fear that I’d blow their facade completely, and if I did that, they lose everything as they’re used to it. Remember, Jeanette being kicked to the curb by me wasn’t simply a case of “eh, the scrawny nerd with no options just ditched this street urchin; what of it? Let’s move on”. No no no……when “the scrawny Autistic nerd” ended that relationship, her “sexual market value” plummeted. She was only in one subsequent relationship before running back to the only guy who would still take her. The man who disrupted the programming ended her charade, refused to be amongst her “rotation”, got the better parts of her crowd to see the fraud she really was, took them all with him in the process, and left her openly for everyone to see who she really was behind the veneer….and nothing she’s done since has made anyone think twice otherwise. She can’t hide it anymore.

Now, apply that to the crowd in NJ, where that social status/facade is everything and the kitchen sink. I say the East Coast is about to have enough problems soon enough, God spared them on this particular aspect……let’s see how the rest manage it out here in Ohio 😉

To my future wife: if you’re reading this right now, years from the time I post this, I hope you love how I elaborated all of this 🙂

So now that we got all that out of the way, finally we get to our Feature Presentation, regarding my Godson’s 3rd Birthday Party, and I will bring up when the aspect of why I made all those examples comes up again:

Unlike with the previous Birthday Parties, while it did require taking time off from work, it didn’t require switching schedules with another coworker to do it, as the Party would be held on Friday, as opposed to the weekend, the Friday incidentally being his actual birthday, and not some days after it!

One of the most memorable aspects of the day in fact was before the Party even began, being the drive there, as the event was scheduled in Bowling Green Ohio, and I thought I’d take the opportunity to check some of the retail stores there beforehand for my buddy in the Philippines for some store exclusives; something very important I want to mention in all of this is that up to this trip, I hadn’t been to Bowling Green in about 15 years: the last two times being on my first trip out to Ohio in 2005/2006, and a trip my former roommate and I had made while still working at the Kalahari Water Park to do some toy hunting; and when I say “toy hunting” I don’t mean “stopping by a few stores we happen to be in the vicinity of”, no….I mean “literally preparing days in advance with an itinerary of stores we want to hit up, for toys we want to get, mapping out the most convenient route to get from one store to the next, and factoring in getting gas, when we’d get up to head out, and where we’d be eating”; that’s what toy hunting was like! Yeah it’s….been quite some time since I did that; I think the last time was in the summer of 2020, and Source/My Higher Self visited me on the trip, and asked me “why are you here? You’re not supposed to be here, anymore.”

Anyway, after I finished checking the stores out (including Goodwill, in part for my thank-God-now-retired-former-coworker, who incidentally was clocking in for her last day), I punched in the address on my GPS for the Bowling Green Park, and I got the opportunity to drive thru the town on my way to the park, and a revelation hit me on the drive:

Bowling Green is a gorgeous town, and the reason I brought up that I hadn’t been there in 15 years is also significant in regard to that revelation, because the revelation involved events that hadn’t panned out with the Pop Culture project crew, in specific how I’d successfully gotten us press passes to a Con in Chicago, and we had to relinquish them, because the crew wasn’t driven enough to make it possible to attend. It was this drive thru Bowling Green–and all these years later–I finally felt closure over all the places I’d wanted to go with them that never happened and never would have; I’m not even the guy I was then, and many aspects I either….just wanted to take it in on my own terms, and/or potentially with upcoming/better people!

So I get to the Park, and see a parking lot with a huge building in front of me; I tried to go in to use the latrine (sound familiar?), but it seems the doors were locked, so for the moment, I decided to check out the nearby outdoor enclosures that the park consisted of, and try to find a bathroom nearby. I finally found one….and it was closed, but I figured the Partygoes would be there soon, so instead I decided to get out of the drizzle that was happening under one of the enclosures, and while I sat there, text Ursula to let her know I was there, and do my daily prayer session; I even took my shoes off while doing it, to have direct grounding, in the process.

They arrived a short time later, and after following them to the proper enclosure, and placing Howard’s birthday present on the table, I bolted to the bathroom that Evan showed me was available (there was no soap though, dammit; thankfully I didn’t have to go #2, and it’s a damn good thing, because the lock on the door didn’t work), and after returning, I told them I had to go grab something from my car; Howard was getting a little restless, so I offered to let him join me to get what I needed from my car, and his parents were fine with that. So, he followed me to my car, and I tell ya…..he was as hyper and energetic as we all are when we’re 3; even slowing down at certain intervals, trying to run back and forth and behind me at certain intervals, and then regaining momentum seconds later. I was patient with him the whole time; I remember being that age, and having all the energy he did, and I was happy to be there to have him release it as he needed to, rather then telling him not to have it. 😉

We got to the car, and I grabbed my water bottle out, headed back to the enclosure, and I decided to quickly munch on some shredded chicken they brought, to fill my stomach up, following which Ursula recommended that someone take Howard to the nearby playground, to which I was more than happy to oblige. And I’d like to add…while there, I made some fascinating observations about him too:

The playground featured a few play-on contraptions that my Godson liked to refer to as “the pirate ship”; he kept trying to get me to join him on them, but as they’re meant for very small children, I just had an intuition to stay off them, and simply watch him on it, though whenever he would call to me to come on it, I’d respond in some gritty Irish accent “Sorry Captain, I must man the lower deck, yaaaaaarrr!!!!!!!!!”. On the “pirate ship”, he came in contact with a few older kids, and kept making various attempts to get them to play with him….and they kept turning him down, including in front of their Moms. Oh, we know that feeling, don’t we, my fellow Autistic friends? Although in his case, it seemed that it was more because they saw him as too young to play with them, which I even relayed later on to his Mom when we returned to the enclosure, but we’ll get back to that.

The other observation I made was something he was doing while on the “pirate ship”, and by that I mean interacting with it: there was this spot with this steering wheel, and these nearby large blocks that built into the contraption that could be spun around, revealing different images. My Godson took it upon himself to keep spinning the steering wheel, and turning the blocks around, indicating he was associating what he saw on the blocks with what he was pretending to steer toward, and right there and then my mind was utterly blown by the realization that this kid was already showing abstract thinking, and literally the day he turned 3 years old!

A short time later, he wanted his Mommy, so I took him back to the enclosure, and told her the observations I made; I’m not gonna lie….when I told her about his abstract thinking, and she said “he is very smart!”, I wanted to let my eyes roll out of their sockets, because what parent doesn’t fucking say their kid is smart?! This isn’t just smart, girl, this is amazing, for a 3-year-old!!!!!!!!!!! However, she absolutely loved hearing his squeals of joy on the playground, and clearly heard me interacting constantly with him, INCLUDING with this car attached to a giant spring that we sat in, and I was rocking us like we were blasting down the road; I even included singing “Little Old Lady From Pasadena” while doing it 😉

All the same, a short time later, the other guests started arriving, including Ursula and Evan’s siblings with their kids, finally giving Howard some playmates, so I spent a few minutes saying hi to all of them, and chatting with them for a couple of minutes, and then we all followed the kids back to the playground to let them do their thing…and I was thankful that this time, I had reinforcement to watch all of them; incidentally, as they were called back cause it was time to eat, Howard tried following his female cousin to the bathroom, and I caught up to him, grabbed him up, and brought him back to the enclosure, and he was in tears from not being able to follow his cousin; he’s 3 though, so he got over it quickly 😉

While everyone ate, I kinda just sat there, and observed everyone, and their interactions; Evan came up to me asking if I was ok; I told him I was just fine, and observing, really. BTW, when I say the “numbers are thinning” from the previous social gatherings I’ve had with Ursula and Evan, I ain’t saying it for my health: Ursula and Evan’s families were there, Tarah was there, another close friend of her’s, and….that was it. All the riff-raff from the previous years seems to be going the way of the dodo, and to quote REM “I feel fiiiiiiine….”After they finished eating, we made one final trip to the playground–this time with Evan in tow–and after we got back, Ursula had an Easter Egg hunt for them that we wanted to do the weekend I got sick, but perhaps inclement weather then prevented it from happening, not sure.

After concluding the Easter Egg hunt, we did the opening of presents, and two very important things I want to mention here:

First off, Ursula and Evan had brought along these three chairs they bought at Costco; they’re foldable chairs that can rock back and forth, and I loved my experience with the chairs so much, I gave them cash right then and there to buy me two of them! I actually wound up flat-out taking one of them home with me from the party, and they bought me an additional one at Costco.

The other thing happened while I was sitting in one of the chairs, during the gift opening, and this is the aspect that involves the emphasis on all the updates at the beginning of this entry, today:

Just like over 20 years ago at that farewell party for my departing-Suncoast store manager Iggy, I was again surrounded by people married and in relationships, with maybe only one or two others who were of the single variety, but this time, rather than “lament being lonely and alone” etc…..I was laying back in that chair, rocking and enjoying every moment of it, while enjoying experiencing my Godson’s enthusiasm over his unwrapping his gifts. I actually kept thinking back to that moment, even as I was driving back home that night, as if God were saying to me then and there “Congratulations, I let you re-experience a particular event, and this time, you passed with flying colors!”

BTW, not gonna lie… much as I’m thankful that his parents loved the gift I got him (The Sweet Pickles Bus, and several books from the series), and I’m so thankful all their gifts are now out of my apartment, my two favorite gifts he received this year were not from me:

He got a Bluey house playset with a ton of figures, and he got this epic store-brand military action figure set with a copter, and some other vehicles; only reason I haven’t gotten him any action figures yet is cuz I don’t know what he’s into (y’know, cause he’s 3) of that vicinity; hopefully I’ll have more answers when he’s 4–and I already have something in mind, but we’ll take it as it comes–but yeah….nothing topped those two in my mind, but hopefully he’ll get plenty out of the books, and the activity set “Bus” 🙂

As the event drew to a close, and everyone started to leave–and I gave ’em all big hugs, cause even I adore ’em like crazy at this point–we started loading up the cars, and Ursula’s Uncle called her, and told her that he’d misplaced his keys, and thought he might’ve left them there. While we searched the parking lot for the keys, we didn’t find keys, but we did find a Mario Kart Koopa Troopa toy which….wound up unintentionally being another gift for Howard. Ursula received another call shortly thereafter, letting her know they found the keys….at his place. Apparently he left them outside, and somebody put them inside for him.

Once that was secured, I gave Ursula and Evan big hugs, gave Howard a kiss on his forehead, wished him Happy Birthday, and made my own way back to look for my car/where I parked in the parking lot; as I wasn’t entirely familiar with this location, I knew to look for a monument that I took a picture of (posting it on IG and Tiktok in conjunction with advertising this entry) to locate my car; as I was walking around the premises, I saw a worker, and asked him where it was, and he said he didn’t know, so I started getting a big worried and frustrated, feeling confused as I wasn’t entirely sure of my way, only to see the damn monument a short distance from him. From there, I made my way to my car, put in the new chair, and was about to try to relocate that bathroom with no soap….when I realized a lot of people were heading into that building, as Ursula had told me earlier a Graduation ceremony was being held there that night, so I followed the people in, and used the very nice restroom in there instead, before heading back to my car, and driving home for the night.

Also before I left, I signed some papers that Ursula presented me, regarding Power of Attorney, since I’m not close with my family (as we all know), and they’re mostly on the Coasts anyway; I’m simply gonna have Ursula be connected with my Uncle, once all the forms are completed, should such an emergency arise.

So, that was my fun day at my Godson’s birthday party, I hope you all enjoyed my story, as well as my revelations, and all the updates that went along with it; hope to have a lot more goodies to share with you real soon.

This weekend, I have my guinea pigs’ maintenance to do, might take a walk down to the marina tomorrow, want to look into some good walkie talkies, and I have dishes to do as well….also gotta remember to check for the Aurora Borealis too, from what I’m hearing.

You folks have a good one, and we’ll talk again soon, cool? 🙂

Friends, Romans, Countrymen: Lend Me Your Ears…..

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Hey all!

The new blog entry is likely to be going up this weekend, along with as part of the updates a fascinating experience I had earlier today with the “tin-foil hat” community, my former room-mate, and how it all ties together with something that happened at the Toledo Zoo a few weekends ago, and how it all goes back to what I said in these two entries about the rising ascension; people really are showing their true colors now, and…..I guess I’ve done enough self-work to–admittedly feel slightly betrayed at first, but after a while–find it both hilarious, and be thankful that God is revealing it all to me, and at once, and just as he’s gonna do for all of you in this time!

So….a lot of goodies to share this weekend; I’ll see ya then!

Bowling On the Green

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Hey all!

I just got back from my Godson’s 3rd Birthday Party in Bowling Green, Ohio; yes, a full-length blog entry will be coming up about it, but the reason I wanted to bring it up is that I got two major life lessons out of it, both of which also featured somewhat of a sense of “closure” over certain past elements of my life, if you will, and I intend to discuss them more thoroughly via that entry.

Anyway, I had a fantastic time with my Godson and his family, and I’ll be telling you folks all about the adventure, likely this upcoming week…so look out for that one.

You folks have a good one, and we’ll discuss it all soon, and hopefully so much more 🙂

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