World On Standby

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on Clouthub, Gab, MAGAbook, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

So for those of you who frequent social media, or chat with people offline at all, you may notice that a lot of people are starting to lash out, and seem confused, lost, and even defeated…..and it’s all because the narratives they’ve been following in the news are collapsing under their own weight…..and taking a lot more down with ’em in the process. I’m not gonna lie, I’m very heavily reminded of the late 1980s/early 1990s, when everyone seemed to feel lost and directionless as well; like they felt like their authority figures had failed them, and they didn’t know how to proceed with it…..and a lot of it wound up heading into that ultra-pretentiousness territory. Well in this case, it is 100% true….and they’re really not taking it well…and they’re gonna take it a lot worse, over the next few months.

Now…..I have already gone over all of this in bits and pieces over the last several months, in fact as far back as early-mid last year, when I thought all this was actually supposed to begin happening, and very publicly. That being said, when I was first being “filled in” about what’s now happening more and more publicly, the first main person to do it gave me a warning, and about our community:

She understood how we try to sympathy with those not on the spectrum, and due to our sensory overload issues, said emotional overload would likely overwhelm us, in regard to how bad we’d feel for them (to a point, it could even result in unhealthy “trauma bonding”)….especially when you consider the degree to expect this from that very public; you know how when–to quote Ozzy Osbourne– “you’re going thru changeeeees”, you often leave the public for a while, as you have a lot to mentally navigate & come to terms with on your own, privately? Expect to start seeing that on a mass scale, and likely for the next few years. But before the people do proceed with that, you’ll be on the worst receiving end of their lash-outs for a brief period, in the coming months.

No, I’m not telling you “just be understanding, and put up with it”; not at all. I’m also not telling you to lash right back at them; though as I have told you in this entry, think of how Aragorn guided the Fellowship in the first Lord of the Rings movie, after they thought they’d lost Gandalf to the battle with the Balrog. He was stoic, and he told them they had to be out of that vicinity swiftly, before nightfall. Boromir challenged him over the suggested that he had no sympathy, after what they’d just gone thru. Aragorn understood perfectly fine what they were going thru….but if they didn’t move their asses…..they wouldn’t be far behind where they thought Gandalf went.

The point is….the rumblings are here, what’s been happening behind scenes is starting to reach the public; the rollercoaster’s gonna be kicking into high gear, and those lashing out are likely to be the ones who will have the most difficult time going thru all of this; we, being the mental chess players, and the ones who have to prioritize our strategies over emotional bonding, are the ones who will have to be prepared, and help guide and navigate the unfolding storm.

I told you your time is coming; as Mr. Magorium said “your life is an occasion; rise to it”. Now is when you’re gonna start being needed more than ever before, so do meditation if you need to, or work on finding inner peace however you feel necessary; don’t fall victim to being pulled down by those on a lower frequency; now is the time to rise as the guiding light. The wild ride is beginning, and if you’re gonna be as daring as Mr. Toad, at least be as responsible and trustworthy as Badger, too.

We got this, guys! 😀

The Diamond in the Rough

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on Clouthub, Gab, MAGAbook, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Yesterday’s entry was exploring pathways to success for parents of Autistic children, and that neither path will truly be easy on the parent….no matter how they slice it. There is however one particular aspect of this I bring up quite a bit; I first brought it up here, and then expanded on it here, here, and here. For those who don’t want to go thru all those entries, essentially, those emphasize how Autistic people are basically game-changers who bring something new to the table, but it’s often times met with hostility from the other end, as the other party neither wants what’s being offered, understands what’s being offered, or possibly even a combination of both; throw the 5D frequency into that, and you’ve opened up an even bigger can of worms.

One thing I’ve been thinking about recently–due to all the “redpill” dating content I watch on Youtube–is some particular instances I endured with my previous ex-girlfriend “Jeanette”, during the time of our relationship…..and in specific about how I feel a golden opportunity was blown on her end, but I suppose in hindsight it was totally inevitable. Now, anyone who knows “Jeanette” IRL will…usually not have very good things to say about her, flat-out, and that includes the crowd she frequents; they’re the type that stab each other in the back constantly, if that makes sense. Here, I expect pretty much any member of the “redpill” community to say “so basically she’s your typical modern gal, and she hangs out with a crowd of like-minded?”. Lemme get to a fun example to kick off where I’m going with all of this:

In 2010, her mother became terminally ill, and passed away. I of course went to the funeral home for the viewing and all that, to support my gal; while I was there, I got to meet the rest of her family. Please note, I spent the entire day there with her…it’s not like I briefly stopped by, said “sorry”, checked on the casket, shook the familys’ hands, and made a break for it. I got to spend the day with the family and “get to know them”, and all that. Well, as we were all leaving for the night, her cousin–we’ll call her Nina–propositioned to me having the three of us (Jeanette, me, and her) go to her place for a movie night soon, and I declined, partially as I was in the midst of a term regarding Jury Duty, and had to keep up on whether or not I’d be called to do it. However, when I got home, I called my girlfriend up and talked to her about it, as I realized something….just kinda weirded me out about how she asked me. It seemed like she was….hitting on me. Now, I’m just gonna put out there briefly….”Nina” was hot; like “goddamn yer a babe”-level hot; and before you say “Russell, you find Melissa McCarthy, Rebel Wilson, and Monica Lewinsky attractive, I question your standards”; ok, what if I told you I showed a picture of her to some former classmates, and they went “daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”? I’ll get to that in a minute though. Now, take note I said above I declined partially over the Jury Duty thing. Well, part of the reason I was also weirded out was….she was married, and they were both in the Marines. So, I asked Jeanette about it on the phone, and her response was “no, she’s just weird”, and I breathed a sigh of relief, as–despite the fact that Nina was serious babe territory, I was thoroughly dedicated to Jeanette, and wasn’t about to get involved with a married woman on the side (and yes, she was essentially offering *ahem* “Netflix and Chill”).

Well… turns out Nina was not the only one in Jeanette’s circle that wound wind up hitting on me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That roster also included her best friend (who we’ll call “Yanna”), and another buddy of hers mentioned here who helped me understand chemistry far better! Every. Single. Time I was under the impression I was being hit on, Jeanette would insist “they’re just weird”, and as anyone could clearly figure out, after we broke up, I inquired with those gals, and yes they were all hitting on me! Now, here’s where the kicker comes in, in all of this:

Jeanette insisted otherwise due to very obvious insecurity on her own end, fearing that if I knew I had appeal to other gals, she’d have stiff competition….as I found out from a former supervisor of mine. Incidentally by the way, this supervisor was the very first person to clue me in (and only mere months after my relationship began) that Jeanette was unfaithful, but didn’t have the proof, and I thought at the time she was trying to sabotage me (up to that point, everyone kinda had attempted it); I blocked her, but after the breakup I came to her, apologized, and thanked her for letting me know at the time.

Anyway, the big kicker is this:

Jeanette would not have faced any competition for me at all with other gals had she just been up front and honest with me, about my appeal to them; actually, it would’ve invigorated my confidence levels, and I would’ve likely applied it to an even more amazing experience for her in our relationship. However, to quote Milli Vanilli’s Blame It on the Rain “but noooo you couldn’t do that, no no….”. Jeanette wound up not only never getting to experience that, but I wound up finding all of this out anyway after we broke up, so the only person who’s face it blew up in was her’s. BTW if you’re at all wondering if I bothered pursuing Nina, Yanna, or her other buddy, I did not. Nina’s marriage fell apart, as her husband was abusive, but at the same time she turned out to be a flaky party girl who drank a lot…..and the alcohol wound up taking her life; not to mention at the time, I wanted nothing further to do with her family in general in that regard, and I think I dodged a pretty massive bullet, no matter how hot she was.

Yanna is… do I put this nicely……she jumps from one relationship to the next, got knocked up by every guy imaginable, and last I heard had 7 kids, and was on the government dole; IMO, she’d likely have better odds of not having gotten knocked up, if she just walked outside without any clothes on. She told me back that she’d gotten her tubes tied, so no more kids…but I still don’t even want to imagine all the other things she likely may have gotten, regardless. Lest we forget, Yanna is essentially a “street urchin” much like Jeanette is; in fact, Jeanette “looks up” to Yanna, though hell if I know why.

Finally, Jeanette’s other buddy….we’ll call her “Gina”; Gina has a job, and has been holding it for I have no idea how long….so no, she’s not some “street urchin”; in other words, already a better egg. However, she’s disabled….and I don’t mean in the way Autistic people believe that we are, and she literally isn’t disabled in any way mentally, either; she’s physically disabled, but according to her former nursing aid–incidentally enough being by godson’s mom “Ursula”–she can walk if she wants to; she could do a lot of things if she wants to, she just doesn’t have the drive to do it; that’s what turned me off from her, honestly. Relax though, I haven’t barred her from my life or anything; I have her on Facebook, and say hi every now and then.

What all this boils down to is–and even Jeanette’s family laid it out for her–Jeanette had it all with me…..but she didn’t know she did. She didn’t know it cause she had no genuine grasp of what she actually had. This goes right back to what I keep saying about the different frequencies and vibrations, and about being on the spectrum; I was trying to offer Jeanette the world, but the only world she really understood was the immediate vicinity in which she travels day in and day out on the “streets”. She didn’t understand all the work and energy that goes into the mission I focus on, and when the results didn’t align with the world as she understood it, she was more than happy to take the easy way out, and continue her “normal” behaviors, which always wind up resulting in the same conclusion, and she can’t comprehend why. Incidentally, the “redpill” community goes into this aspect, quite a bit….just throwing that out there.

It really all goes back to what I said in these two entries, though: we bring a lot to the table, and what we have to offer the world is amazement the likes of which they always seem to put on a pedestal, and wish for…..but when the person that can bring that offering shows up….it doesn’t get understood; people love the end result, but don’t comprehend what it takes to get there, and it’s so far beyond their grasp, they don’t really know how to nurture it to get to those results either; they often expect those results within the confines of a certain mental understanding, but you won’t get those results from that limited understanding. I mentioned a few weeks back that I’d been watching an amazing documentary on Youtube that I’m not fully ready to discuss here at this time, but what I will mention here is that the documentary emphasized that certain structures in our world were said to have been built during a certain era….when looking at all the other structures of the time, let’s just say it didn’t add up; there was a very clear contrast between the magnificent structures, and the abodes that the people resided in, at the time; it was like night and day. That’s just the thing though: if all the people know is the shack with crooked planks of wood, how do they expect to understand developing architecturally-advanced structures as high and mighty as the eye can see, almost like they were kissed by God and the angels, theirselves?

Let us conclude this entry by considering the title of it:

Aladdin is viewed as the “diamond in the rough” by the Cave of Wonders; he’s considered a “street rat” in Agrabah; lowest of the low on the food chain. Just some useless urchin the residents have the displeasure of enduring every day, despite his ability to think quickly on his feet, do (let’s face it) amazing physical prowess to escape from the Palace Guards, and the heart of gold to offer the other urchins the food he gets, as hungry as he may be. Because of all these aspects, the Cave of Wonders views him worthy, no one else. The Cave of Wonders understands his true potential, which is why he’s allowed entry, while no one else really comprehends it.

This is what we face all the time, and while I’ve stated before how I see that slowly coming to an end, and sooner than later, it doesn’t mean the public will understand that tomorrow; they have their own path they have to take to a higher frequency. Understand that we have been given a very special gift, that most other people have been conditioned to avoid it, but we have to do everything in our power to make the most of it, and allow it to take us to heights most can’t even comprehend at this time.

And you know what? Do that…..and let’s see how desperate you’d still be for the Genie’s 3 wishes 😉

“Do You Want to Play a Game?”

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on Clouthub, Gab, MAGAbook, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

In this recent entry, I discussed the problem Autistic folks tend to have in the world of dating & romance, as it involves the “redpill” understanding…..and make no mistake, I’m in no way saying I think Rollo Tomassi, Alexander Grace, Darius M, SSM, Richard Cooper, or Better Bachelor are wrong in their advice, and that you shouldn’t listen to them, and just follow the “tried and true” path of dating; what I am saying is that the mentality of people that doing these techniques applies to….likely wouldn’t offer you much in terms of dating or a fulfilling relationship from the get-go, and sure as hell are not gonna understand the inner-workings of the Autistic mind/5D frequency. I’m gonna get into more of that aspect in my next blog entry, but the reason I thought it worth bringing up here was because of something else I forgot to elaborate on in that entry:

I mentioned the “grading scale”; how both men and women grade each other in the dating world… on the physical appeal of women, women on the physical appeal, the height, social status (another reason), and financial status. Now, you might be saying to yourself “Christ, Russell, that sounds extremely shallow and surface level”.

1. Do you see now why I say that the Autistic community might have some problems with what the Red-Pill applies to?

2. Well, this leads directly into the topic I want to discuss today, and the fact that I appear to be semi-connecting the two may come off extremely creepy and off-putting to a lot of folks who are only gonna take it in on a surface/3D level….not to mention the audience this is for that is gonna be really uncomfortable by it too.

You’ve. Been. Warned.

This entry is actually for parents of Autistic children; parents, guardians, family members…what have you. So your other question right now might be “……are you kidding me, Russell? And you titled this by referencing a horror movie series? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Follow me 🙂

Family members of Autistic children are essentially presented with a major choice in raising/rearing those kids; well….in their minds they have many choices because they’re the adults, and can do it however they see fit. That said, they have a choice in how effective they want to be, and how successful they want to see their kid become….the kicker here is the word “successful”, because this is where that choice comes in. The two options are essentially going by the “tried and true” path of getting ’em to have friends, social status, be liked by people, have connections, etc, and “everyone’s happy”….or take in the reality that said path usually only makes sense if you really enjoy spending time in La-La Land, understand that most of your surroundings will not understand your kid for shit, have been conditioned to think he/she is “weird“, that your kid will likely not have much success on that path, and under the very limited likelihood that they do… will be a surface-level happiness (just like those 3D frequency relationships), and little more; behind the scenes, from what I hear, most of those folks develop drinking problems, go to counseling, get high, the whole nine yards.

So….understanding the reality of that first path, the other option is–in my opinion–a far better path, but it may also weigh heavier on you, and results will be better, but only so much by your own input; follow me here…once again:

That second path is to instead focus on nurturing your child, with emphasis on how he/she sees the world, and the possibilities that can be achieved and experienced in the process of that. I remember as a kid having 17 million questions for those around me about why they did what they were doing the way they were doing it, and not like Mindy from Animaniacs’ “Buttons & Mindy” who just asks “why?” after everything; I often times went into very thorough depth when something didn’t add up……and wasn’t always so nice in my approach, I admit; incidentally though…..things usually didn’t add up. This….however is the difficulty a lot of parents may have in nurturing their Autistic kids, as the answers they have may be limited by whatever frequency/vibration they’re on, and as a result emotional reactions/inferiority complexes might take over, feeling helpless, or a number of other things. To top it off, if you don’t have the answers your kids need, you’d have to find someone hopefully that does….and I can tell you from nearly 40 years of experience, those are far harder to come by than you might realize. When I started doing my deep dive with questions about 10-20 years ago regarding history, economics, and all that, I went to folks who I heard would have a better understanding than most, due to the sector they were in. Based on what I’ve learned in the last year or so alone, they…..didn’t know shit, either; they “drank the Kool-Aid” too, and were none the wiser.

But you know what? Let’s say you get over all those humps, find just the right yogi, shaman, historian, engineer, programmer, financial expert, or whatever that can guide your kid properly in his/her area of interest….now the big question: do you understand it? Are you on your kid’s frequency that you’re gonna be able to have any fucking grasp whatsoever of what he/she is taking in, and appreciating that knowledge and experience in a way that you can truly be proud of it, and get something out of it, yourself?

As a reminder, most parents are currently taking pictures of their kids getting a Vax card, or showing their report card, or showing their stats at baseball practice–or whatever–not specifically because they’re just so impressed by their own kid or anything like that, but for that sweet, sweet social currency with their circle and surroundings. Most parents don’t understand jack shit about what their kids are learning in school, nor do they care; it’s just a way to “show off” to their friends….once again 3D-surface level approval. It’s also why parents freak out about all the problems the school systems have, and are only now starting to lift a finger to do anything about it. All about the social implications; the nurturing of those kids–up to now–came secondary; hate me all you want for saying it, have at it 🙂

I was lost for as long as I was because–in part due to being on the East Coast–all my parents did know was the general social understanding of their surroundings, even they I don’t think deep down they ever really understood it entirely theirselves; it was a situation of no one having answers for anything, really….and instead of anyone trying to help guide them to the right direction–and credit my parents to the heavens for this one, might I add, they really put forth the effort for me, for that aspect….to the best of their own understanding–all anyone did was basically go authoritarian and tell them how I was “supposed” to do things, and hell to pay if I didn’t. It really is no surprise that I had little confidence in myself growing up, whatever self-esteem I did have was hanging by a thread, and I collapsed into a massive depression in my late teens, that went thru highs and lows for many years, with mini-depressions throughout it, only finally emerging over the last few years!

I recently found a video on Youtube of Jordan Peterson talking about Autism & Intelligence–even did a quick vlog entry on it–and he brought up meeting Temple Grandin, and taking note of how she helps design farm structures, using her strategic mindset, and understanding how the animals will behave in the process. I confess…I do have to read more of Temple Grandin’s work….but hell, with all the gaps between my entries, I need time to do a lot of things that I currently don’t have; that being said however, virtually everything else Jordan Peterson said attempting to connect Autism to high intelligence….fell flat, because even he didn’t seem to understand it. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: those we’ve held up as the smartest of the smartest may indeed be just that….on the 3D frequency, but hell if they can give you any wisdom on the wavelengths above that, and that’s what your Autistic kid is gonna need to thrive, and take full advantage of his/her capabilities; if you can’t offer that, do you think you’ll be able to find people who can? If it does get offered, will you be able to at best fully understand and embrace what your Autistic child is taking in, and at the minimum appreciate what they’re getting out of it?

A more prominent member of our community from Texas, who I mentioned before, via acronym NDVR, recently said this, on Twitter:

“Parents to be: there is a very real chance that if you CHOOSE to reproduce, you may have an Autistic child. If you are not prepared for that, please do the world a favor, and don’t reproduce.”

So……just a recap:

Will you go about the conventional means, and wing on a hope and prayer that your child will eke out a happy life, though it’ll be surface-level at best, including the approval you’ll get from others around it…..or will you risk that social currency to find a way to get the full nurturing for your kid’s path in life, and take the chance that you may have to go out of your way to find what they really need, and even then you may not even genuinely understand it yourself?

Unlike John “Jigsaw” Cramer, I’m giving you a lot more than 60 seconds to decide, and I’m not strapping a reverse bear trap to your head over this one. 😉

Next time, we’re gonna discuss similar implications of this field….but go back into the realm of dating & romance with it. As Madonna once sang “I haaaave a tale to teeeeellll……..”

Twitter Tangle

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on Clouthub, Gab, MAGAbook, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

I’m noticing “more” prominent names in our community–on social media–starting to freak out in a victimhood tone, and about “ableism” a little bit more than usual. Lemme try to briefly explain what’s happening, from my own understanding:

The 3D frequency/vibration is now in the process of collapsing; any of our community who decided to cut theirselves at the knees and buy into division and victimhood, and play into that frequency are now gonna go into a panic over it; think of Chicken Little and “the sky is falling”, but… kinda is, here; or for you younger kids, think of Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, and the whole thing with the moon.

Just remember: we’re here for you if you’re finally ready to do the work, heal and learn about your true potential. I will continue to be here to help guide everyone thru the process to the best of my knowledge, as I work on myself as well.

We’re entering a brand new era, and the Autism stigma will soon be left behind. It’s time to embrace real possibilities! I’ll (most likely) be seeing you folks this weekend for some brand new entries….and if what I’m hearing is correct, those entries that I’ve had planned for almost a year now may finally be coming, and a lot sooner than later 🙂

Two In the Box….

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on Clouthub, Gab, MAGAbook, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Ready to go; we be fast, and they be slow! Yeah, a Ghostbusters II reference….because I can. What it means though is…..I got two entries on the horizon, and we’re either gonna start ’em later today, depending on if I have free time between some errands I have to run while doing my laundry, and chatting with a buddy who just got out of the hospital, or if they gotta wait til this weekend. Either way, we’re gonna have some fun! I know you haven’t even seen me post as much on Instagram or TikTok….just mostly a lot on Twitter recently. Yeah….I am kinda fried recently; things have been overwhelming at work, and trying to get things done when I’m home as well; as a result all the vlog entries I want to do….I don’t really have time to mentally prioritize preparation and all that as of recent. Relax though, I’m as devoted to this as ever; don’cha even think otherwise for a second. The good thing is……the vlog entry contents will essentially be covered in the upcoming entries, and after I write them, I can decide what would and wouldn’t work for a vlog.

So, I’ll either see you fine, fine folks later today, or this weekend. As WWF’s Mic “Mankind/Dude Love/Cactus Jack” said it best “have a nice day!”

Dig Dug: An Early Bird Valentine Special

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on Clouthub, Gab, MAGAbook, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Previous entries on dating here, here, here, and here.

I really, really, really wanted to get a video related to this entry up beforehand, but things…have just been crazy, and as a result I got a little bit too fried to know which aspects to prioritize and emphasize for a short TikTok/IG video. I was already mentally pulled 50 different ways this past week, but at least now I have the chance to discuss the topic in full, and who knows: maybe I’ll still get to a TikTok video that “everyone else” will watch, and will direct some to here! BTW, what you may enjoy about this one is that I won’t be focusing (much) on the “tin-foil hat” stuff; just…follow me, here; also, for all the gals reading this, I admit this will be an entry emphasizing a male perspective, but it might help ya if you have boys who are Autistic, and at the end I will bring it back together to be all-inclusive; hopefully you enjoy it either way!

One thing I’ve been doing a lot recently in my downtime before bed, or when I’m on breaks or whatnot is watching a lot of “redpill” dating/relationship video channels from content creators Strong Successful Male, Rollo Tomassi…and as of late a gent on Youtube named Darius M. One thing I really like about Darius’s videos is that he actually does commentary on videos that gals post on TikTok, citing their dating experiences, and what he calls a “before and after”….as in before they go on the date, and after they get off and get rejected, or they’re saying how they hate a certain type of guy, or something like that. One thing I will say that really stands out about his videos/commentary on the gals’ TikTok videos is that it helps you understand the “grading scale” better. Like…if you were to say “oh that gal is so hot, I’d give her a 10 at least”….yeah, ya would, until she opens her mouth. The pure idiocy that comes out of half the gals he shows….one of my favorite examples was this gal on a bit of a heavier side–and please bear in mind, I do also like gals with a little “extra” (think Melissa McCarthy, Rebel Wilson, Meghan Trainor, and Monica Lewinsky; there, I said it)–who based her entire offering on how “epic” her body was, how the guy was getting “all that”, and then she got the “pump and dump”, and…..she opens her mouth and starts complaining about “white guys”, and right there my interest in her alone crashed to the bottom of the scale. It’s almost like–in a way–it’s best at this time that folks like we are held at arms’ length, because the person on the other end often knows (or at least believes) they really don’t have anything to offer us right now….but relax, I’ll get to that. Got a little bit ahead of myself, but no biggie.

Anyway, the biggest piece of advice I normally hear when it comes to the world of dating in “modern day” is to forget everything we hear about how our parents did it, what the media tells us, and what we’re told we “have to do” to successfully navigate the dating world. Guys aren’t even supposed to tell gals they’re into that they’re into them; they’re supposed to show no interest, because if the gal senses any, she instantly loses interest, and emotionally hops somewhere else. Now….how in hell any meaningful relationship is supposed to form from that, in this case, I have no fucking clue; I mean….how is a married man supposed to remain “mysterious” with the woman he’s married?! According to these channels, the woman does not want to be an equal to the man, but wants to follow in the man’s pursuits; have him be superior to her….to look up to him, which is part of the reason the man isn’t supposed to show he really cares much, just throws out breadcrumbs of appreciation here and there. So….tell me my fellow Autistic brethren, are you starting to see where we might have issue with the world of dating, according to this? It’s pretty fucking blatant to me. And before everyone on Reddit blasts me for being a “misogynist” or something like that, because they’re not comfortable with hearing it, talk to Rollo, Darius, and SSM, and watch the videos that Darius comments on. I do hate to say it….but I see posts on Facebook from gals I know semi-confirming most of what is said, unfortunately; again, I believe I know why, but I’ll get to that in the end, and that’s where it’ll be inspiring to everyone, but get into “tin-foil hat” territory….

For those who are still mystified where the dating issues would come in, take the big one: how the man is supposed to show minimal interest at best to keep the gal’s attention; that’s…..not how the Autistic mind works. Either we’re interested, or we’re not….and believe me, the other party will know; it’s fucking obvious. If you don’t want us to be interested, trust me…we won’t be; so why the fuck would we waste our time with you, in that regard? Hell, not only wouldn’t we be……we really don’t have time to pretend to be, with all the chess we have to play to navigate life as is…..and why would we want to play pretend? Yeah, that totally leads to positive results….

What makes things even more fun in this is…..I’ve already stated in one of the linked entries above that no one seems to be able to hold a conversation for a damn, and if you don’t think this plays into what I’m about to tell you that I’ve endured, you’re kidding yourself: over the last year and a half or so, I’ve had tons of very attractive gals hit me up on Instagram, Telegram, and MAGAbook trying to get my interest, wanting to chat with me and all that….showing me their pictures (some I don’t deny that I’ve saved), but….they have nothing of interest to say, and don’t think I didn’t try to push some conversation. Sorry, but “what movie were you watching?”, and “who’s your favorite singer?” just doesn’t do it for me, anymore. On Telegram and MAGAbook, I’ll ask them “tin-foil hat” related questions, and even then they can’t hold a convo. My personal favorite example was this one gal– who’s profile pic on Telegram was taken at an angle which emphasized her massive chest, and her “seductively” staring down at you from above it–and we at least got to the point where she said (and yer gonna love this) “I’m starting anew trying to find a good man, as I just broke up with my former boyfriend”, and I literally decided to go against all the redpill advice right there, and flat-out said to her “you are very attractive, but you need time to heal; jumping into a new relationship won’t do that. Take some time now to find yourself; I wish you the best, and have a Merry Christmas”. Did she listen to my advice? Very doubtful, but that’s what I said to her. I pray for her, and that’s all I can do. Some more recent examples featured gals hitting me up for a picture, and I said “I’ll do you one better”, and sent them one of my TikTok/IG videos, so they could not only get my picture, but hear my voice, and see my mannerisms….and it literally kept getting met with “thanks but can I see a picture?” For those wondering, no, I’m not chatting with any of them now.

Now in relation to the dating/online aspect, there was a member of the community–albeit non-Autistic–who was involved with trying to help folks on the spectrum in the world of dating; I confess I’m not sure if he still is, as I have him on Facebook, and I’m almost never on that anymore; he did say–last–that he wanted to create an app to connect people in areas so that they could meet in person, and see if they connect, which of course is totally awesome. He also said that online dating is a massive detriment to Autistic people because those we think we connect with so well online we…don’t so much offline. I even offered at one point to highlight his app plans on my blog, but nothing ever came to fruition there. There is however……one aspect of his course that I take issue with, and it’s due to a common thing I hear about people who get together, and even move in together, get married, or whatever….the term is “settling”; I’ve actually brought this up previously here and here. Well in case I was too vague about my point there, allow me to further emphasize it here: I see settling as exactly that. It’s not what the person doing the “settling” really wants, and resentment and whistful “what-could-have-beens” will inevitably bubble to the surface, to quote a line from Casablanca “maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but someday, and for the rest of your life”.

In fact……there’s a very prominent artist in the music industry–and at this time, I still happen to love him–but from what I’ve heard in interview bits on Youtube–I believe his wife settled for him: Weird Al Yankovic, and I even stated as much to some people on Instagram and Twitter, and conveniently one of them tagged his wife in her response to me, stating she’s “independent, caring, and kind”, so to me that translates to “settled for him”, and I don’t say that to attack him, but more because I think he deserved better than to have someone “settle” for him, but if they’ve found their own way to work it out (especially with a daughter now in College), hey good on them! There is however one major aspect of the Weird Al scenario that…..was a major part of the reason I brought it up to begin with: no, Weird Al was not her first choice, but when she dated him, she discovered he wasn’t what she “thought” he was like (which I hate to say it, goes right back to what the redpill channels say about when you’re not a gal’s first choice: the “excitement” factor isn’t really there; no I’m not gonna go into all the details about that aspect…..listen to Rollo, SSM, or Darius about that).

And one of them even brought up an excellent test, btw, to any potential moms of those gals who say “no…..nothing like that!”: let’s say you were to meet one of the “beta” guys in your daughters’ orbit, and you try to say to her “why don’t you go with him? He’s a nice guy!” Ok…would you date him?! If the answer is “well no, but…”, then save it; you answered it. If you wouldn’t want him, your daughter knows. If the excitement and social currency isn’t there, she knows (and the latter you know damn well Autistic folks don’t have, anyway). Incidentally, this is yet another aspect Rollo Tomassi specifically brings up, and it involves prominent current name Jordan Peterson (who I very often try to do an impression of, and I sound like I’m doing a bad Scandinavian impression; however I do follow him on Twitter), who Rollo has often suggested has a very “20th century” mentality when it comes to the aspect of dating….a mentality that btw only works in a low frequency, but I’ll get to the crux of that at the end:

Jordan Peterson seems to be of the mindset of “settling down” with the other person, and “if there’s an aspect of the other person that the partner doesn’t like, to discuss it, so they can change it”. This is something I heard throughout my life, and honestly…..I think it’s a load of crap. So….ya shacked up with someone, but it turns out you don’t really want who they are, so you want them to be not them? Yeah……lemme know how that works out. People are who they are. Just start out by not being with them, then.

This aspect about the excitement of being with the other person, however, is gonna lead me into yet another rabbit hole territory about dating (yeah, I’m trying to cover a lot of this in one….believe me, I can bring it up again later, and rest assured, I will be): what we genuinely want out of our experiences.

Do some people genuinely just want a “normal” relationship where the guy goes to work to support the family, the wife stays home and maintains the house and kids, and everyone in the household conforms to a specific set of social guidelines, and it’s all 40s/50s-like stagnant? Yes, yes they do, and I’ve covered where a part of this heads in this entry. Incidentally, according to the red-pill channels, that’s what women “claim/realize” they want after they hit the “wall”, and don’t find the idea of their career fulfilling in the way they anticipated, and just want a family instead, and regret not having a family when they “had the chance” at a younger age. Here’s the kicker to this: I think it goes back to the whole “frequency/vibration” thing, as I’m not saying you’re wrong to want what you want….but I emphasize the stagnation part because it’s still all most of society really seems to know yet, at this time. One thing that has irked the ever-loving shit out of me every time I see a married couple who follows that routine is that the guy is very set in his ways, whether those ways be rational or not, and regardless of the level of rational, the gal follows it in lock-step, and will defend it to the ends of the earth just for that “normal” life. In other words, there’s no genuine growth, there’s just settling for contentment we’re programmed to “desire” on that frequency, and that’s it. Gee…and folks wonder why they desire all those likes on Facebook, and bong hits so often?

I wouldn’t want Mrs. Right blindly following me in lock-step, and just accepting any standard I set; I want us to be able to grow together to our ultimate potential, no matter what form that takes. I hear so many stories about gals who gave up their ambitions; changed their “missions” to be with a guy that they wanted. I wouldn’t want the one for me doing that. I mean….first off…if she’s doing that, she’s not being honest and genuine with herself, and sooner or later she’s gonna walk, anyway; i.e. yer not getting her. Second though….I want our missions to align for the ultimate, most fulfilling outcome. Am I being incredibly unrealistically idealistic with that approach? With the current societal understandings, 100%…….emphasis on current societal understandings….and this is where the “tin-foil hat” thing comes in to the benefit of both sides:

On the 3D vibration/frequency….those really are the only available options, because that wavelength isn’t about actual progress, or to thrive….but rather for bare bones survival and “just getting by”. I find absolutely nothing fulfilling about that concept, and while no one else does either….most humans are known to settle for it, fearing they can’t do any better. Well it make sense, seeing as how that’s how current society was designed by folks in very, very high places….with a scarcity mentality, but I’ll get into that at another date. I see once the 3D frequency is done, there will be far more options available for both….not just two people who don’t really want each other shacking up, having a kid, taking a few family photos to impress onlookers, getting a retirement, and calling it good. I think we’re far more likely to see people start thinking about thriving, and coming to terms with what they really do want, and finding the best partner to make that happen, and not just on bottom-feeder social standards. No one should expect nothing from their partner…..not when they have anything resembling confidence and self-esteem. There should be no need for a scarcity mentality, or belittling oneself to think they’re any less than anyone else. Those are mechanisms intentionally designed to keep everybody down, and unhappy.

And we can do better than that.

“Russell…..What’s Going On?”

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on Clouthub, Gab, MAGAbook, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

“And we said HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEYAYAYAYAYAY….” Ok ok I’m not gonna go there; so the good news is I do have a new entry in the works…hoping to have it up this weekend (might have some work done on my apartment, so we shall see). Been kinda fried recently, getting slammed at work, clearing out my collection (ebay username: KingRandor1982), and I may have Jury Duty starting this upcoming week; I’m also trying to find some good late-Christmas gifts and a Birthday gift for my guinea pigs; things are….kinda crazy. Trust me folks, haven’t had a lot of time to think recently, but I hope you like the new upcoming entry. Oh yeah….and looking for more meditation material, looking into SodaStream and a fluoride filter for my sink; things have….been busy. Just keep yer eyes on the prize, and we’ll be chattin’ again real soon. I’ve also been yapping my head off on Twitter, and posted a few things on TikTok/IG, so feel free to check those out.

Later 🙂

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