Freeze Frame

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Shout-out to the J. Geils Band for that title, and it really is fitting, because my mind has basically been recently like our phones when they freeze up, and we gotta take the battery out, and put it back in. To give you an idea, on Tuesday I was getting my grill ready to cook my meal before going to work….and I forgot to turn off/unplug the base heater in my room, upon heating it up, and the power to my room got knocked out…..and it wouldn’t be the first time, but it’s been a while. Well, because I know absolutely fuck-all what I’m doing with the circuit breakers, what should’ve taken only a few minutes to get it figured out ballooned into my knocking the power out to 85% of my apartment over the next hour and a half, and having to skip my meal, cause I had to head in to work, in the process, having a meltdown the size of which I haven’t experienced in months (according to this blog update, actually around a year now), blaming myself for sheer incompetence, calling myself a failure, the whole nine yards.

The situation was finally resolved when I got home from work, and finally having time to actually look into it, think, and formulate a plan (flipped all the light switches to “on”, and decided to play around with the breaker, and in the dark, I could actually see what I was turning on, and what I wasn’t, rather than going back and forth from the basement to my apartment), upon shining a light on the breaker, I could see that the switches had “on” and “off” labels next to each of them–very hard to see without a light shining directly on them, and definitely not noticeable when I was in such a hurry–and successfully managed to get everything turned back on properly; still have no idea which switch specifically pertains to my room and the part of the kitchen with my grill, but at least now I know how to turn everything off and on properly.

The fun continued with the landlord having HVAC people come by to check my heating/cooling units to make sure everything was ready for the winter, since I detected some possible issues with one of the units, and we find out that the units are defective, and need to be replaced, and this btw was all happening just as I had to head out for a doctor’s appointment. On top of that, I had to get up at the crack of dawn due to how early the HVAC people arrived, and then I had to get up very early again, today….for an appointment to have my car winterized…..and the service station’s computer didn’t even register the appointment I made online, this past weekend, and had to reschedule it for Thursday, and I’m considering alternatives, as this is not the first time this has happened. After leaving the station’s parking lot, I made a quick stop at the mall to see if I could pick up a card for a holiday gift I have for someone, and it appears this year’s holiday card shipments are also now all screwed up, due to supply chain issues.

So for anyone keeping score, this is why I haven’t had that much to say recently, and why you barely have even seen me post anything about this topic on Instagram, Telegram, or Twitter recently; I just can’t even think, right now, I’m so overwhelmed. That being said, unless I come up with something more than just an update before the end of this month, the next big entry will be about Halloween in North Baltimore with my Godson. Sorry to keep you guys waiting, but….everyone else seems to be keeping me waiting, and sheer incompetence seems to be ensuing in the process, as well. You guys have fun, and we’ll chat more soon; toodles!

Author: GettingRealWithAutism

I'm Autistic; I'm hoping I can speak for those in my community, and offer hope, encouragement, and advice for those in my community, and potentially clarity for those *not* in the community. So, now you know; and knowing is half the battle (cue the GI Joe theme)

2 thoughts on “Freeze Frame”

  1. I would definitely check this up to a bad day. I’ve had them myself lately and I try not to keep from exploding with the anxiety. But I do know and all my years that sometimes this s*** just happens. I’m sorry it did it’s hard when you’re trying to do something and you’re in a hurry as well. I live in an apartment in my living room has most of the electronics plugged into it. If I go outside and smoke I go in this little tent with a portable heater. We found out when we have the computer going and we have TV on and PlayStation on it and all that stuff and then I turn the heater on it blows the breaker. It’s quite frustrating that so many things or outlets are on the same breaker. Because the plug for the outside heater is on the same one as the living room electronics.


    1. Incidentally enough, I discovered the post about my last meltdown was like a year and a half ago, so it appears my self-loathing meltdowns are happening FAR less frequently, which is an excellent sign. I’ve just been kinda swamped recently, but the good news is….this instance taught me more about the breakers, and got me to put a sign on my grill to remind me to TURN THE DAMN HEATER/AC OFF FIRST 😀


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