The Socializing Psy-Op Part IV: The Good Old Days

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Previous entries in this (yes another, unintentional) miniseries are here, here, and here.

Today’s entry–while actually beginning as far back as the 10th of this month, inspired by a video I watched featuring Youtube channel Overlord DVD’s “Doomcock”–I’d like to begin with something that happened a short time after it, then segue back into where the inspiration for this all happened, if I may:

A week and a half ago or so, our faaaaaaaaaaaavorite coworker of mine and some others were chatting in the breakroom at work, before she and I clocked out for our shifts, for the night; I’d just gotten back from my Vacation, and told them about my recent experience in Battery Park, and from there they veered into talking about other local offerings, up to and including a popular local ice cream delicacy that’s never really impressed me all that much. At one point during the conversation, she said “it’s not as good as it used to be”, and incidentally–despite the fact that that’s what she says about fucking everything–as I’ve been out here over 15 years now, I decided to actually put her statement to the test, and see if maybe in fact there was a time when the ice cream had been better; i.e. if she could give an actual cutoff point for when it started going downhill.

Her response was, as follows: “I don’t remember….the ’80s and ’90s it was good, then sometime after that….”, and that was all I needed to hear. Am I saying the ice cream brand was better then? No, but something was different: she was in her 20s/30s, at the time, which is usually when most people I’ve met over the years say “things were better/peaked during”, only for everything to “go downhill afterwards”. You may recall I brought up hearing this all the time in my youth in this entry here, and at the time I believed it entirely to be a product of “programming“….and while it is, I’ve come to realize there’s something more at play, the importance of it that I think needs to be shared, how it fits in with what Doomcock said (that I’d kind already figured out in a way), and how it can be used to better nurture our community (what you thought I was leaving us out just to rant and rave, and “trash” Normies or something? People, I got waaaaaaaay better things to do with my life, I assure you):

Incidentally, what I’m about to say–based on my coworker’s words–goes back to a chat regular reader Zeleni and I were having, based on the initial entries of this miniseries: he said he thinks he understands how the Matrix works, that they get you accustomed to doing things in a certain way for the environment offered while slowly taking more and more of it away, albeit keeping you programmed and codependent on it, lest you fear you’ll lose what little of it you have (doesn’t that sound like every single political argument about the “lesser of two evils”, btw?):

Think about what my coworker said, regarding that ice cream; was the brand genuinely better when she was in her 20s and 30s, or did she think that–and most other things were–because in her younger years she had the illusion of options? Throughout her 20s and 30s, she had a lot of men pursuing her, and was engaged about 3 times; then, in the late 90s, she gets into her 40s, and those options start drying up, as less men are paying attention to her, with her looks fading, and the realization that underneath those looks she’s not that bright, and a less-than-pleasant personality. Why would the illusion of options start drying up for her–not to mention most other “adults” come their 40s? The same reason it happened for all the older folks we knew when we were kids:

In the younger years, folks are more fit, and have more disposable income to buy all the big-name brands the matrix shills to them every day; as they head into their 40s-beyond, their mortality starts weighing on them, and they start “tightening their belts”, which is why at that point, mostly insurance and pharmaceuticals and “Life Alert” get pushed on folks 40+. Now, if you’re in your 40s, and all of a sudden these companies are no longer catering to you the way they did before, are you honestly gonna believe stuff is ” as good as it used to be”? Of course not! Not to mention all the nostalgia-bait pushed in the media (although I’d like to add that the nostalgia-baiting is usually very specific/selective, but we’ll get to that), to make you think things were better than they were, even though as stated in a previous entry, my coworker openly admitted she didn’t remember her much younger years outside of what her Mom told her….and do you think her Mom was immune to the matrix marketing strategy?

Where things gets really interesting here (and where it’s gonna be important, and tie into our community) is that it’s when those seeming-options are taken away from the people, the people show you who they really are; the reason virtually no guys are hitting on my coworker now is because she’s old, bitter, argumentative, and doesn’t really have much to back her argument, outside of lots of projection, gaslighting, and the list goes on; it’s not a good look honestly. She has her moments, don’t get me wrong, but the reality is most guys will not be trying that hard to get into her pants to deal with someone like that, especially as routine as they did in her younger years, when she had more physical appeal, and could hide her codependent “follower” attitude & mentality far easier, as a result.

Now, before I continue with this, rather than continue to (what might appear to be bashing her, though I assure you it’s not the intention) go on specifically about my coworker, there’s something very important I want to bring up in all of this, as I’ve said it multiple times throughout this entry already:

I didn’t say the younger crowd has options, my wording was the illusion of options, and that is very important where our community comes in, and in regard to the difference in our perception of the world, and that of the “Normies”, as it were, but before I get to that, let me get elaborate further regarding Doomcock’s video….

Victor Van Doomcock, “the future ruler of Earth” as he calls himself, was talking in the video about the revelation that the reason Disney has so many flops on the tube and in the cinema recently is due to the cost of making them; why are they costly in ways that they never were before, you may ask? Well, it turns out a lot of it is from re-shoots, and those re-shoots are because their main focus with their current content is pushing (say it with me in the Critical Drinker’s phrasing) “The Message”, and re-shooting scenes until they make it “palatable” enough for viewers to say they can tolerate the movie or show, even with “The Message” still intact, enough… opposed to–y’know–just making a good movie, and letting people enjoy it on those merits. It actually reminds me of an episode of Pinky & the Brain where the Brain’s plan is to control the minds of the public with a serum he puts into pancakes, and asks Pinky to keep sweetening it enough so that it’s edible; in the end, everyone is eating the pancakes because Pinky took the serum out. This also in fact reminded me of the recent Animaniacs continuation that was on Hulu; I actually found a short video of it on Youtube, when the first season aired, and checked it out, and….I had to shut it off after 30 seconds, because I found it overloaded with The Agenda so badly, I now call them “Propagandiacs”, and essentially viewed it as propaganda being dressed up as our favorite characters to get the masses to take it in….and this is where things get so very, very important….

From all the podcasts I’ve been listening to, over the last 2.5 years, it appears that all your favorite franchises, movies, music, TV shows, celebrities, you name it are all actually about pushing “The Agenda”, but it was less noticeable earlier on, because you can’t just go “full throttle” at first; instead, it’s built upon decade after decade, if that makes sense. I was actually recently watching a video by Atomic Abe Productions about spinoffs to the TV show 227, and there was one scene where they started doing commentary about the Iran/Contra Affair, and some other things, and I actually said out loud “it’s time to play Spot the Propaganda Talking Points! There it is!”; thing is….back decades ago, it was written into things in a way that was far more discreet, and you’d just feel like it was something being brought up the way a “normal person would bring things up” (as though they’d know what in the hell that was, anyway), and you’d tip your hat, and go “I hear ya”, or something to that effect. Today, it’s right out into the open, with everyone screaming at each other at the top of their lungs, and with all the Normies complaining about it. Well, scratch that… is that way to the Normies; and this goes further into what I mean about the “illusion of options”, and the impact on our community:

From a very young age, we’re told by our surroundings they want us to be “normal“, play with the other kids, and play with them the way they play, and no matter what toy we buy to impress them, and be included–as the adults seem to want us to, or whatever–it doesn’t seem to work out, and we just feel rejected, and like we failed. Now, you may recall this entry I did here, about how the reason we see so many people having the options they do in the world of socializing and dating (and I confess at the time, I forgot to make a reference in the entry to the show I based the title on) is due to the circles they travel in. Well, in our community, all those options are usually withheld from us anyway because we disrupt the matrix system. Think back to what I said in this entry about going to my classmate’s house, and being kept within a very small vicinity, because truthfully, they didn’t really want me around. Well, usually those on the spectrum aren’t wanted around, and even the latest, coolest toy we’re “supposed to have” won’t keep them from finding a way to give us the boot sooner or later. In other words, we’re not likely as bothered by “options being taken away” because we were shown very early on that they’re not really there! Instead, we become more accustomed to doing things on our own, and finding resourceful ways of accomplishing the tasks we need to…..all the while being attacked/put down left and right for not accomplishing the latest “matrix” goal….that usually hasn’t been all that thoroughly thought thru by anybody, and they just went things to be “normal” as they understand it.

Well, there’s a certain point where, if we’re pushed away enough no matter how much we try to fit in with everybody else, and no matter how weak-willed many of us may be to still take in the propaganda, we won’t comply with continuing to tune in via the same way the masses will, and we are more likely to start “rebelling” from the System by following our intuition more. Aside from what I stated in this entry here, how many times was I told as a kid “SNL was soooo much better earlier on, with John Belushi as the Samurai Baker, and Dana Carvey as the Church Lady!”, or “All In the Family and Sanford & Son were shows with real writing and real talent, unlike that shit they have today!”, or “those shows on Nickelodeon in the 80s were really risque for the time!”, only for me to watch them, and go “this is not funny at all”? Hell, did you know I recently re-watched an episode of Happy Days, featuring the debut of Robin Williams’ Mork from Ork, and didn’t laugh even once?! It all goes back to the “circling the wagons” alignment/shared experience with those on lower frequencies; it works for the time it’s released, and intended to work for that time, and give ’em “member berries” later, but to anyone coming in later, it’s usually about joining in on which side of the “argument” part of the programming you prefer.

As I recently even said to Ursula: “No, John Belushi was not funny as the Samurai, no Fred Sanford is not funny feigning a heart attack every five minutes, and no….watching people get slimed on Nickelodeon is not funny either, I don’t care what everyone else is lead to believe, and how edgy it’s sold to get others on board”. Incidentally however, this reminds me of a recent podcast portion by WorldClassBullshitters that I recently listened to about the Disney Stockholders Conference Call, and how the host Jeff told his crew that he believes part of why the House of Mouse is failing so badly is because they’re so risk-averse now, whereas back in –say –the 80s, they didn’t control everything like they control now, so different studios were constantly competing against each other, and in the process, giving us a lot of memorable brands…..even if all of those brands did promote the Message, but in a more subtle way. Well, it goes back to what I said in this blog entry here about how as a result of how gentrified the matrix offerings really are, when you get down to it, those with enough of a fight in them to challenge the system and want more usually will gravitate to us, to some degree!

So, here’s where things get really fun, and will save you all a shitload of money (and my former classmate is gonna love this):

So now you know that no matter what TV show is popular, or what toy is popular, or what clothing style is popular, it won’t make your Autistic kid popular; those options are withheld from us, because we disrupt the simulation. Now, this doesn’t mean those kids won’t gravitate to some shows or toys or who knows what else at all, it just means the emphasis needs to be put on their actual needs, and not your need to have them “follow the crowd” to be accepted….which they won’t be, anyway. Did you know I’m currently in the process, btw, of selling off most of my collection? You know why? Because now that my Shield was finally dropped a few years back, it doesn’t mean anything to me anymore; if it’s a character I don’t even genuinely know that well, or doesn’t honestly speak to me/appeal to me in that way, what do I need it for? Do I need figures of characters from every movie I like, especially at a time where I have less and less attachment to movies and TV than I ever did? No, I don’t.

With that in mind, how much easier would it have been for me and my parents as a child, instead of my insisting I needed to get this or that in hopes that this or that person would like me, to just be encouraged to get what I wanted, and keep myself occupied with enjoying that, and exploring why I was attached to that, instead of attempting to “keep up with everyone else” so that the other kids would play with me? Remember that all of pop culture is and has always been designed solely to push The Agenda, so if you’re just taking what you like from it here and there, and being further encouraged to acknowledge you don’t like something, you have control over how you interact with it, not them. Usually if you don’t like something, it’s because God is protecting you from the actual intent of it, as mentioned before, but also because as Autistic folks, you’re on the frequency with a more direct connection to God to be more easily protected by him, as a result!

Said direct connection though will also very quickly and easily reveal to you where options do and don’t genuinely exist, whereas the Normies may take faaaaar longer to pick up on it than you’d need to, and you have the choice as to how you wish to react/respond to those offerings and “options”, instead of the need to being 40+ and saying “things aren’t the way they used to be”……and it gives you the opportunity to do a deep dive, and learn to understand yourself, your needs, your wants, and your mission, on a far deeper purpose as well. And you know what? The right folks will notice that, appreciate it, and will want to come to you in some form for that input for their own journey as well.

I hope you folks enjoyed this, as I’d been wanting to get it up since almost the beginning/middle of the month; next time, we’ll dive into my experience at the Toledo Zoo, which will be a departure from how I normally cover my outings with Ursula, but I will explain more then.

See you soon! 🙂

Author: GettingRealWithAutism

I'm Autistic; I'm hoping I can speak for those in my community, and offer hope, encouragement, and advice for those in my community, and potentially clarity for those *not* in the community. So, now you know; and knowing is half the battle (cue the GI Joe theme)

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