“Sale at the Fashion Boutique”

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Are you ready for the Stigma to collapse in on itself?

Greetings my friends, and Happy New Year! I realize this entry is going up considerably…later in the day than most of you are used to, but the reality is…..I’ve been kinda slammed these last few weeks, and in the process, have also been really drained, and have needed a lot of sleep (a lot of it also likely being due to “DNA downloads”, from the Schuman Resonance, but we’ll get to that). After feeding the guinea pigs today, I went back to sleep, and woke up somewhere after 2 PM yet again, and despite getting on my computer about an hour ago, dove first to order some delivery, and took care of some other things I needed to buy online before starting this blog entry…and then decided to eat most of what I bought before –again–starting the blog entry as well, so yea….there ya go as to why this is up as late as it is. I’ve also been busy spending more time taking the immortal words of Juan O. Savin to heart, as he said “you’re gonna have to get comfortable with not being comfortable“, and I’ve been “tested” a few times by God recently to see if I really have it in me to avoid buying items at retail that aren’t recommended, instead opting for smaller vendors, even when those options may be slightly less convenient; it…takes a little longer to figure that one out, at times….although I will say I decided to check a few big box retailers for Clearance yesterday, and I’m guessing due to the DNA downloads I mentioned earlier, I’m starting to experience a much darker energy in their vicinities honestly, with my intuition constantly telling me “don’t stick around here; it ain’t worth it….it’s just demonic forces trying to bait ya!”

Incidentally, bringing up ol’ “Juanito”–as David Nino Rodriguez likes to call him–along with all that “darker energy”, I believe that assists in segueing us nicely into a very important update I wanted to bring up here, before we get into the main topic; might I add, the main topic today is not specifically about Autism, but much like in the style of these entries here, using my mental capabilities to make some observations that I wanted to share; what I want to share it about will be explained as we get there, though the fact that the title of this entry references an electronic board game called “Mall Madness” from the late 1980s should give you an idea of where this is gonna be going. That being said, let’s get first to the very important update:

You’ve heard about it, I know you’ve heard about it; everyone’s heard about it…it’s been all over the news, this past week.

“What Russell, what? You..you mean about those monsters or aliens or whatever at the Mall in Miami, Florida?”

(Me, blinking in disbelief that this would be the first thought to cross your mind) ….no….no…I…..no; how…would that…..? No. I’m talking about the release of the court documents related to one Mr. Jeffrey Epstein, and his associates. Incidentally, I actually had someone from our community get all excited when I stated on Twitter that things for us were about to improve a lot, as all this is declassified, and was literally met with a response of “I don’t follow conspiracy theories, but oh well, it was a nice thought”, to which I was left with the thought “this is literal court documentation, and plastered all over the news outlets, which seems to be the only acceptable source for “news” many of you accept, and you’re still calling it conspiracy theory? Really?!”

That being said, let me get into why I bring this up as to being so important in the collapse of the Autism stigma; I have brought up numerous times on this blog–including via an unintentional miniseries that may yet to be complete–about how society has allowed itself to be socially blackmailed by folks working “behind the scenes” to be told what to say, how to say it, what to think, all that, and if you dare step out of line in any way shape or form for that, you will be socially ostracized with your reputation completely ruined, leading the masses to just shrug and accept a borderline-meaningless, albeit codependent surface-level lifestyle, where they don’t even really know who they are, and are faaaaaaaaaaar too terrified to do that “deep dive”, and understand themselves better for a truly thriving society.

I haven’t really had much of an opportunity yet to go thru as much of the unsealed document information that I’ve wanted to yet, from again being utterly slammed and drained, but two particular prominent names popped up in those documents, and while I have heard them mentioned before in relation, with the court documents being so heavily prevalent in the public sphere now, I think it’s time not only to mention those names here, but also to elaborate on how I think it’s important to note the connection between those names, societal compliance, and how it affects our community:

The two big non-political names mentioned were Stephen Hawking and David Copperfield, two very prominent celebrities who enjoyed decades worth of societal success and recognition. Other names also dropped were Michael Jackson, former First Lady Hillary Clinton, and Presidents Bill Clinton & Donald Trump. Word is Hollywood & Washington DC in general will be named as more of these documents enter the public sphere. So now you may wonder….what in hell any of this has to do with the “social blackmail”, and where our community is involved?

I want you to take note of a particular pattern with most of these celebrities, and public figures in general: first and foremost, they’re all “rich and famous”, but the reason people seemed to believe they were….honestly when you think about it had far less to do with their actual capability to do anything, but the pattern they all give off in their mannerisms, “body language”, and all that; I assure you this aspect is absolutely not coincidental in any way. Celebrities are considered rich and powerful and all that…..because behind the scenes they do what they’re told to do, in the way they’re told to do them, from decades and centuries of understanding what the public does and doesn’t react to/does and doesn’t find comfortable and pleasing, and then making sure to put that message out to “steer” the public to doing it in that comforting route, and to worship the people guiding ’em along like pied pipers.

In other words, not a single aspect of this is genuine in any conceivable way, it’s just been molded to “mimic” what’s pleasing to people to get them to go along with agendas that have looooong been planned out. When all of these prominent public figures are outed as being attached to Mr. Epstein, it will be a shock to the system like no other, as even the thought of having activities associated with these players will turn a lot of people off.

Remember though: the important aspect to understand here above all is these were the players this whole time telling you and everyone else what “is and isn’t normal“.

“Hey, look how appealing to the ladies Dwayne Johnson is!” or “….how smooth Stevie Wonder/Ray Charles are!” But….are they really, or have we just been conditioned for so long to believe they were, that at a certain point we just accepted “we’re wrong for being us, they’re the success as it’s being defined/shown to me, and that’s what I should aspire to be like”?

Now, ask yourself this question: what would be the benefit of telling the masses what “normal” is and isn’t supposed to be? Wouldn’t that potentially stigmatize a certain part of the population, and convince the populous at large that there’s something…wrong with them that needs to be cured or fixed in some way?

As I posted on Twitter, Instagram, and Telegram yesterday:

“Food for thought:

If the public could be so easily conditioned to look up to, be attracted to, and MARRY pedophiles, imagine how easily they could be conditioned to be turned against autistic folks, & convinced we’re disabled.”

And remember how much easier it is when you convince people against doing the deep dive, and doing any real thinking about the scenario, from the get-go 😉

Now…..from here you might be wondering “Russell, you keep bringing up that the agenda is to root us out and cure us or kill us; but you still refuse to mention why; what do they have against us so badly, to have said agenda against us, for us to be in their crosshairs the way we are?!” You’re right…..I haven’t brought it up….because the time isn’t right, yet. IF I still had to hear from our community on Twitter that the “Epstein thing is just conspiracy nonsense” when it was now blanketing the news, we ain’t ready, yet. I’ve been holding back on this for 3 years now, and will continue to do so until the proper time, but I assure you when that time comes, it will make all the sense in the world.

Plus, I assure you at a time when in my own spiritual work, I’m now feeling more disconnected than ever from both “Normies” and even many in the “Conspiracy” community, and watching historically-dueling political party-allied voters actually trading talking points with each other–in their desperation to preserve the matrix system–I have less incentive than ever to just drop the goods for a quick boost of dopamine/ego trip that won’t even truly resonate the way it needs to at this time. Before we get into the actual main topic of this entry however, I will leave you with these two previous entries as a little hint about it, moving forward, for you to possibly form your own conclusions.

One final thought on this before we officially move to the actual main topic, and I already stated this on Twitter too:

You can’t expect to be properly nurtured by a populous essentially acknowledging they have none to provide to you.

So how do I segue from that to the actual main topic, you may be wondering? Very easily, dear friends…by bringing up one of Epstein’s most prominent associates in my own neck of the woods, and what he’s most known for:

Les Wexner, and his retail lingerie chain Victoria’s Secret

Your first question might be now wondering “ok so Russell, since as Autistic folks we seem to ask questions about everything, what is the big secret mentioned in that store name?” I’m…..gonna leave that one to public disclosure, to put it nicely, and there’s more than one Secret, as I’ve heard. No, what’s important about it in the context of this entry is where you’d most notably find the store locations:

In shopping malls.

Recently, I found myself watching multiple videos by two particular Youtube channels, one of whom I even publicly announced on Twitter, as I liked his work so much:

the channels are “RayOutThere” (who btw happened to do a video tour of the shopping center where my first major job was, when I worked at Bradlee’s in NJ), and Northcdogg22, who also does video tours of dead and abandoned malls. My fascination with this actually began back when I tried running my own business with my former roommate, and initially found two websites (this is 2008, we’re talking, people) called Labelscar.com, and Deadmalls.com.

I as a matter of fact had the benefit of getting to check out two malls that were about to go belly-up, shortly before moving out to Ohio, with the Southwyck Mall in Toledo, and the Woodville Mall in Northwood, OH….both of which can be found on those sites, and I believe one of which can be found in video series on Youtube showing the demolition, and all that. I even remember in one of the malls, my roommates and I came across a “labelscar” for what was clearly a KB Toys store, and I openly stated, in paraphrasing Shakespeare regarding Yurich “alas poor KB Toys, we didn’t know you at all“.

That being said, in my recent viewing of their footage of these malls that are being closed down, restructured, or whatever gets done with them, a few thoughts continue to cross my mind; I’m not gonna lie….part of it can also sometimes involve the epic era-accurate music he plays over it (and no, I don’t believe it’s anything not custom-made by the channel creator, or someone he works with), but all the same, I won’t lie that the videos–and this first aspect I acknowledge is something that happens to appeal to the bulk of their audiences, not just me–invoke a beautiful sense of nostalgic memories, for those watching them. Seeing all those vintage visages and decor, the way we remember them from our childhoods and early teen years, combined with the epic music playing, it’s enough to “hit ya in the feels”, as the old saying goes, especially when they go into “the last remaining Sears store”, or something like that, and how it feels for so many like they’re “having to painfully say goodbye to their youth”.

However, maybe in part due to my focus on continued spiritual work, I’m beginning to find myself noticing/realizing some things as I watch the videos of these mall/store tours, and part of it does involve the last statement I mentioned about, “saying goodbye to our youth”:

When I go on my own “nostalgia trips” if you want to call them that, there’s an emotion I’m never fully able to shake, and that emotion is a sense of…..incomplete satisfaction. Almost like….the memories of what was appeals to me on a certain level, but it never goes deeper than that certain level. I remember talking about this somewhat in these entries about badgering my parents and grandparents for toys that I don’t think I really wanted genuinely, but wanted ’em for the “cred” they wanted me to have, with other kids. As awful as I feel looking back on all that, I’m also reminded that my alternative was basically sitting at home, with the TV on, otherwise doing nothing, because it’s not like–again–anyone genuinely knew how to nurture me, so I was bored out of my skull otherwise, and anytime I was told to “proudly show” the other kids what I had or whatever, this was coming from the minds of two extremely naive parents who thought that “rich kids” would be really impressed by a kid raised by folks with an understanding that had kinda peaked in the 1970s, and any understanding they theirselves had of how the world was changing was borderline non-existent; it was almost like they could “read the cue cards”, but didn’t “have the material on ’em down pat”, if that makes sense.

So yes, when I watch the videos, I’m reminded both that my parents were trying to get me to socialize with the other kids for all the wrong reasons, but at the same time, it’s not like anyone else knew what to do with me anyway, because their understanding of the world around them was so painfully limited, up to and including not even properly incentivizing me; it’s a reminder to me that every single day was kinda just hoping on a wing & a prayer for that “moment of height”, with no idea how to genuinely maintain it, hoping somehow we could, before “inevitability” hit. So if I got that new toy or something, the momentum was a desperate hope to be maintained, which is simply not capable, under those circumstances, in any way at all.

It also though goes back to what I said alllll the way back in this miniseries here about how surface-level that material world really is; there’s no deeper meaning to it, in any way; it’s just the latest product to sell, nothing more, nothing less, and I believe my intuition knew that deep down, too. So yes, looking at these malls as a reminder of the old world is an incredible trip down memory lane, but it’s also a reminder……of the world as we’ve known it, and that’s where my other big point comes in (I’m not gonna lie, I thought I had three points, but unfortunately I didn’t have my log book on me as I was watching the videos, and when I thought of it, didn’t get to my log book in time, so couldn’t remember it):

In all my studies on vintage retail, whether it be via shopping malls, department stores, and the list goes on, I notice a pattern that either many of them were big-name chains, or were inevitably closed down/bought out by brands that were. Among the “conspiracy” community, it’s being said that a major return to “community” will be part of the worldwide restoration, and I keep thinking about how “community” before the late 1960s was most familiar with “shopping downtown”, and I keep wondering if the new Mom & Pop stores that are said to arise from that would be taking up downtown, or if they would also be taking up residence in new shopping malls, and the shopping malls would finally be taking on the role that Austrian architect Victor Gruen initially envisioned shopping malls to actually be….before they got hijacked by all the Dark Money brands shilling all their “internationally known/advertised products”.

See the thing with that last point is….I know what the populous is nostalgic for, but I honestly see nostalgia as little more than saying “I miss my childhood” rather than building on what did work to create a better tomorrow, so as a result, I can only imagine what that restoration toward Community will actually be about, and I keep wondering that, as I watch all these videos about shopping malls going under…..and before I close this out, I would like to note that until I joined the “conspiracy” community, I spent years trying to piece together what the actual downfall of the retail shopping experience over the last several decades was, and just couldn’t put my finger on; once I was made privy to information I hadn’t been before, It. All. Makes. Sense.

I’m gonna leave that point there.

So, that’s my first foray for all of you into 2024; I hope you all had fun, had a great New Year, and yes….shit gonna heat up, and heavy; and hopefully this year I can finally get to all of those blog entries I’ve had to hold off on, even if as stated previously, I’m given fodder to better link one to the next in the process, as declass drops very publicly. I’ll see you folks again real soon…and get very ready to start using what God gave ya; it’s almost time 😀

Author: GettingRealWithAutism

I'm Autistic; I'm hoping I can speak for those in my community, and offer hope, encouragement, and advice for those in my community, and potentially clarity for those *not* in the community. So, now you know; and knowing is half the battle (cue the GI Joe theme)

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