Not Even Close To Almost There

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

I want to start out–before I even get to the Updates segment–by mentioning that I was considering calling this entry “I Am Bender, Please Insert Girder”, but as this entry has nothing at all to do with Futurama, I decided it would be too confusing; yes, this one is going up later yet again. Folks, I’ve been getting slammed these past two weeks, and only last night found out that there is no Jury Duty this upcoming week, giving me more time to get more shit cleaned out of my apartment…so another trip to Urban Treasures is on the way, and likely Goodwill as well! Incidentally, I got a sign from God this past week that I’m close to finishing getting my place cleared out finally, as my electronic weight scale officially died after 16 years.

So yeah…..I’ve been hit so hard this past week and a half, I needed a bit of a breather upon getting up before starting this entry; I even placed a few orders/preorders online, before ordering my food, to give you an idea….and browsed a lot on Twitter….and was talking with Ursula, as well!

What I saw on Twitter just before I started this entry is actually another reason I’m glad I waited, based on how nicely it can play into the topic of this entry, in fact! But, we’ll get to that. As for what I was discussing with Ursula…..well, she tells me that she’s discovering Tarah’s boyfriend….isn’t that great of a guy, to put it nicely.

So…’s how I laid it out for Ursula: despite the fact that she and I had zero chemistry when Ursula left us alone on the bench at the Toledo Zoo, we still could’ve been good friends in some capacity; instead, my aura/energy scared her off so badly, she bolted back to a really, really awful guy. I reminded Ursula that God gave her a choice too: take a chance on investing more in the guy her conscious told her to choose as the Godfather to her children, or throw him under the bus for the “bigger party” of people surrounding her. Ursula “took out the trash”, her circle is now shrinking….yet Howard is always asking for me, and the family adores me. I openly refer to that crowd (that she dropped) as the “riff-raff” to Ursula, and she doesn’t challenge me on it; it was a hard choice for someone like her, but she’s glad she chose the option she did.

Tarah didn’t take that risk. As a result of her choosing “more of the same”, her looks are fading a bit, and I feel my IQ points drop when she starts talking; again, I think she’s a decent person, but man oh man…

Along those lines, I’d like to also mention something I’ve been forgetting to discuss:

I am now finally working on forgiving myself in the healing process, for things I felt bad about as a kid. I’m more strongly coming to terms with the realization that not only did I not know better, I was surrounded by people who somehow knew even less, were totally committed to that train of thought, and nothing was gonna divert it; if shit was gonna hit the fan, shit was gonna hit the fan. That was just the way it was, and there was no working around it with such a major lacking in knowledge or understanding, on anyone’s part.

Were there times I felt something just didn’t seem right? Well, as I commonly say these days “if I were to trust my intuition completely regarding other people, all the time, I would never even leave my apartment“; I think the big difference between now and then was I didn’t know about the “bargaining chip” strategy I now employ, in general. Incidentally, this too I just realized will play a bigger role in today’s Feature Presentation.

However, it all segues somewhat nicely into another point I thought about worth bringing up, and it’s in regard not only to the Feature Presentation, but regarding our own desire for connection with others:

I remember being jealous throughout my younger years, hearing about all these accomplishments that my relatives had, and I wished I could join them in those accomplishments, sharing my own; I even got blown away hearing that my cousin was seated right next to Terry “Hulk Hogan” Bollea on a plane–twice–thinking how lucky they were to somehow be in a position to be connected with important, interesting people, and I was just some schlub doing nothing with my life. Well, then I did start doing interesting things with my life, and… family didn’t care. Interviews with celebrities at conventions? Meant something to them when my other relatives did it, but when I did it? Nope. My cousin met Hulk Hogan on a plane; I got to meet Roddy Piper; wanna guess how excited my Dad was on the phone, when I told him about the experience? Barely.

“Why Russell? Why did even your own Dad slight you on this, when they were so excited that the rest of your family did?” Very simple, my friends….it all goes back to these two entries I shared here, about the fallout of my relationship with Jeanette, and why subconsciously, my surroundings wanted it that way, and yes it all ties in to the Feature Presentation today.

See….I’m the nerdy weirdo, and according to the simulation, the nerdy weirdo is not supposed to achieve that success; he’s supposed to look on, be impressed, and look up to others who achieve it; be in the background, and just be thankful to be an observer. When people like we start achieving on their terms in any way, that disrupts the program. We’re supposed to do things on their terms, and rise up in the ways they approve of, to the degree they approve of, and nothing more than that. Otherwise, nothing makes any sense in their eyes.

My own Dad may have wanted to see me achieve in his own way, but even he couldn’t break the programming to an extent, and only saw it from their understanding in the end, as a result. In his mind, he knew his place, and as a result, he didn’t anticipate I was meant to achieve much more than that, if that makes any sense. If that sounds utterly depressing beyond words, then get ready for the Feature Presentation, cause this one is gonna rock your world, friends…I’ve been thinking about it all week:

So tell me……have you heard the big story this week?

“You mean the Trump trial?” No.

“You mean the Hunter Biden gun trial in Delaware?” No.

“You mean Dr. Fauci’s testimony before Congress regarding Covid regulations in 2020?” No.

“Well what the hell is left, Russell?!”

I guess you hadn’t heard about the fallout over the debut of the new Splash Mountain at Disney World: Tiana’s Bayou Adventure”? Incidentally, just a week or two before it officially opened up for preview tours, I decided to watch a POV of the “Brer Rabbit” version of it on Youtube, and… thing hit me above all:

Regardless of my opinions of either Song of the South, or The Princess and the Frog (real quick: I love Princess and the Frog, and find Song of the South to be boring as shit, save for Uncle Remus, and the animated parts with Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear), I simply saw Splash Mountain as being designed with Brer Rabbit in mind, and saw no way it could simply be re-skinned/retro-fitted with Tiana and crew…..and I was 117% correct.

It is a disaster. It has no real plot with teeth, outside of some storyline that’s so weak and generic, I could get more tension out of an episode of Full House, or watching Barbie plan a party with her friends. While I like the Mama Odie and Louie animatronics, something seems very off about the Tiana animatronics….almost like they just re-skinned a vintage animatronic for Tiana, whereas Mama Odie and Louie were newly built, or something. What makes it even worse is that not only does the attraction keep malfunctioning, but “Shadow Man” Dr. Facilier was not included in the attraction, as Disney’s Imagineers were afraid his Voodoo depictions in the movie would be viewed as “insensitive material” to audiences, so they kept him off the ride completely. I’d like to quickly throw in that seeing no matter what gets made, it gets considered “offensive” only a short time later at this point, I’m now beginning to sympathize more and more with those “racist stereotypes” that populated pop culture back about a century ago; it makes shit pop; I say now we should enjoy both bad and good cultural stereotypes; put ’em all out there, and let the public decide!

Regardless, Brer Rabbit is now getting more attention from the public than he’s had in about 80 years now; how d’ya like that? 😉

I would go into a longer diatribe about that last point, but it isn’t necessary for the time being, however what it does do is segue very nicely into the main point of why I’m bringing up this new ride at Disney World, all the same; and seriously….if you want to know how bad the backlash has been for Disney, check Clownfish TV and WDW Pro on Youtube; they got the goods (Mama Odie’s voice actress going on a psycho political rant in an interview likely isn’t helping, either).

So….I was busy reading the comments in these videos, and one in particular really stuck out to me, which is where my inspiration for this blog entry came from:

they comment stated that they should’ve put a statue of James Baskett’s Uncle Remus outside of Splash Mountain in tribute to his legendary performance which won him a posthumous Academy Award, back in the day.

So instead, what is Disney trying to do? Erase his legacy, completely.

Why are they so hard-pressed in desiring to do this? This is where things get very, very important, my friends:

Because in the matrix simulation, nobody genuinely rises up. You’re given the illusion of doing so, with allowances for “doing what you’re told”, but you’re only given those allowances for as long as the Puppet Masters deem it to be necessary; when they’re done with you, you’re cast aside like you never mattered to begin with, whether it be via simply erasing your existence from peoples’ memories, or twisting/distorting the narrative about you, in some way.

“Oh c’mon Russell; that can’t be true! The people have a stronger memory than that; they wouldn’t let some rich pedophiles dictate what they do and don’t remember!” Not only does one of the linked entries above completely challenge everything you just said, dear reader, but I have some new examples to share with you, too:

Take that recently released painting of Charles III, and how so many are gushing over it; I’m not talking about the “Conspiracy” community, analyzing it, and meme-ing it, in connection with Lord Vigo from Ghostbusters II; I’m referring to Joe Normie. But wait….I could’ve sworn from the late 80s-at least the late 90s, Charles was torn to shreds at every conceivable turn in the media, treated like some braindead royal doofus, and an embarrassment to the monarchy; yes, he was, and that’s when people treated him as such…when they were told to; as soon as the Normies are told to look up to that fucker, they fall in line to swoon.

This brings us nicely along to what I was looking at on Twitter just before I started this blog entry:

Will Smith is currently trending, because he was apparently watching a screening of the new Bad Boys movie in secret with the audience, and when they found out, they got excited. That’s right….forget literally all the lampooning over the Oscars thing that happened 2 years ago, including by the CIA….I meant late night comedians, and Youtube channels trying to analyze the behavior; nope, all forgiven now. Why? Because; shut up, just because.

Hey, ever seen the Pixar movie Wall-E? How the populous just mindlessly consumes, and takes in whatever they’re told to take in at any given time, without any actual thought as to what they’re taking in, or why they’re taking it in? Like…how that couple just switches from red outfits to blue….just because they’re told to? It’s a lot like that.

But wait, my friends….the simulation doesn’t just prop up people it put down for eons out of nowhere, it also destroys people out of nowhere, the minute they fall out of line with The Agenda; and I got the biggest conceivable agent for proof all ready for ya (even bigger than James Baskett’s Uncle Remus):

Bill Cosby

Cosby was their golden boy. The simulation loved him, and his dark-albeit-safe, inoffensive comedic takes….until he started saying things his financers didn’t like, and they decided to release to the public all the dirty shit they had on him for decades. Did the public for even five seconds ask “why is this only being mentioned now?” Virtually no one that surrounded me did! The mindset was “we’re told he’s awful, so good enough”. I even remember bringing up to my relatives how I had a chat with Jimmie Walker at Comic Con about the thing with Bill Cosby, and shocker of shocks, they were borderline-breathing fire at me, because I dared to have any other perspective than what the talking heads in their bubble told them.

For an even more recent example, you may recall I had a less-than-pleasant gaslighting session with my former roommate on Telegram over Ghostbusters: Frozen Kingdom, where I tried to explain that I saw the beginning of Ghostbusters: Afterlife in one of the breakrooms at work, and was incredibly discouraged that in order to make the sequels work, Egon’s legacy had to be completely desecrated; just like all the other Normies, he just shrugged that off as “setting up the new characters”.

At this point, I have a question for you fine folks: Have you ever seen the 1993 Joel Schumacher-directed Falling Down? Fantastic movie; I just recently borrowed it from my library, and recommended it to everyone in my vicinity; the reason I bring it up here is because it was actually the Critical Drinker on Youtube who recommended it, and upon my own checking it out, I realized it was even better than his recommendation, when you factor in the aspect of the matrix simulation. The main character feels like he’s been completely cheated and screwed over by The System, successfully sounds like every single Baby Boomer and WWI/WWII Gen person I knew growing up, and harkens back to an earlier version of the simulation; take note, I didn’t say he wants something better than the System completely, he just wants the one he’s nostalgic over; i.e. completely missing the point on how The System is designed to work, and it destroys him in the end. Definitely worth checking out, if you haven’t!

The bottom line is…..

I know so many of you reading this feel like an utter failure for not being able to “rise up on society’s terms”, because you think you’re disabled, because that’s what society tells you. Well, here’s the thing to understand:

Nobody rises up, in the matrix simulation; you’re given a false sense of security, and even if you manage to retain that to your death bed, at some point down the road, your legacy will be tarnished, tarred, feathered, twisted, distorted, and potentially even erased if it doesn’t fit with the latest version of The System. You’ll basically be thrown to the dogs, and in the words of Billy Joel in Anthony’s Song “is that all you get for your money?”

Remember how I mentioned the Futurama reference at the beginning? It’s because the simulation essentially wants the populous to “consume product”, and that’s it; put no thought into it, just “consume product”, do what they’re told, keep their heads down, and they won’t have to risk any bad press or their reputations being ruined. Well, this all goes back to my “bargaining chip” strategy I mentioned at the beginning….and this is something I’ve stated resonates very heavily with our community; not necessarily specifically in doing it, but in having the software installed to do it:

We disrupt the simulation just by being ourselves, and having the memory capability to challenge whatever the matrix rolls out at any given time, and with a level of articulation that even the Normies who do attempt to challenge it crash & burn in trying to mentally comprehend. We have no real necessity to be violent about it either, we simply present our case, and with our examples/evidence at hand, and with the articulation as we understand how to present it, in ways I usually see Normies falling abysmally short, still being too mentally “chained” up to the simulation “offerings”.

We are there to give Normies the choice to either rise up and do better, or shrink back, and accept the “more of the same” with whatever the simulation offers; yes, our offering might be intense, brash, and uncomfortable, but the “meat” of any offering usually is! So stand proudly & tall in the abilities that God has blessed you with, and be the disruption to the matrix simulation you were put here to be! You might even be seeing a lot more people “flailing” publicly recently, and that’s because the simulation is in collapse, and the programmed Normies (or are they just programs of the System/NPCs? I’m trying to figure that out, honestly) don’t know how to react when a collapsing system doesn’t know how to tell them how to react! And… a collapsing system one you really want to “rise up” in? Wouldn’t it sorta be like playing with the orchestra on the Titanic, and when the ship goes down, you bolt for it, with the others criticizing/gaslighting/shaming you for not completing the piece that was being performed, when you….kinda want to get to a lifeboat instead, and save yourself?

Don’t worry about not fitting in, and not rising up on Their terms; you weren’t put here to do what they don’t even actually genuinely do anyway, and you know that deep down. And very soon, They’re all gonna understand that, as well. For now, just feel free to stroll on, make like Uncle Remus, and sing “Zippity Doo-Dah…” 😉

See you folks soon 🙂

Author: GettingRealWithAutism

I'm Autistic; I'm hoping I can speak for those in my community, and offer hope, encouragement, and advice for those in my community, and potentially clarity for those *not* in the community. So, now you know; and knowing is half the battle (cue the GI Joe theme)

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