“If You Give a Mouse a Cookie…”

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Merry Christmas, everyone! I hope you’re all enjoying your holiday weekend, and I wanted you to know that I’m so thankful you’ve been so patient waiting for this entry to drop; these last few weeks have been absolutely crazy, to the point where my former classmate sent me a Christmas card recently, and until literally after I got up today I barely had any time to even really take it in, and thank her for it. This past week alone, I had two “emerging” headaches two consecutive days in a row, each day on opposite sides of my head, and had to work on breathing techniques and not overexerting myself to keep them at a minimum before getting to bed, to sleep them off. The reason this entry is going up so late is not only because of how late I slept in, but also because I’m also doing my laundry today as I forgot to wash my guinea pigs’ Christmas presents before I give ’em to them, I was waiting on Chinese food to arrive (probably the one tradition in being half-Jewish I retain, when applicable), and also this past weekend one of my guinea pigs had a health scare, and had to recover from that, as I don’t want to load them up on pharmaceutical chemicals anymore..and all this was happening while I was working in someone else’s area of the hospital last weekend, it’s….all been really crazy, essentially.

On Monday, I’m gonna be heading to Wayne, OH to my Godson’s Grandfather to celebrate Christmas with the family, and hopefully I’ll have some fun tidbits about the experience to share with everyone. With that being said, before I even begin the main portion of this entry, I want to first get into some important updates that will both segue into the main topic…but also I want to do them, because they connect with the season, so “cash-in” time, you might say!

Last night, while working in the Cancer Center at my job, I was thinking about these entries I did a while back, regarding toys I had as a kid, and how I brought up how bad I felt looking back begging my folks for the “latest in-thing” that I might not deep down have genuinely even wanted, but they wanted me to be part of the crowd so bad, and that almost always seemed to involve having the latest, coolest toys or whatever; incidentally enough, the latest South Park special that just dropped dove into exactly this, and looking back I wished I’d understood it as well as Clyde put it to just go off, and focus on letting people like me for me, rather than trying to lure them in with the “latest cool thing” that everyone else was already doing, and the reason I bring this up is because that would include how I went about buying toys at stores, and what I asked for, for the holiday season, as well. Everything in my mind was either overwhelmed with how cool everything looked, or a chess game, regarding what I bought, to make sure I didn’t just have the latest cool figure, but the latest cool piece that someone else wouldn’t already have, so the other kids would take notice. Looking back, it honest-to-God was more effort than it was worth, and very much explains why I’m selling off so much now.

Incidentally enough, I was recently scrolling thru my Instagram feed, and a holiday photo of my cousin and her family came up, and she acknowledged that she’d dropped out of Hebrew School, but came to appreciate the faith on her own terms, and yadda yadda yadda. “Ok Russell, what was the necessity in mentioning that, and throwing your cousin under the bus, and at this time of year of all times?” I wasn’t throwing her under the bus, actually, and I’m mentioning it because of how it links with what I was talking about before, and where the South Park special went, as well. Remember: my cousin was viewed as the Golden Child of the family, and now I suddenly find out that she dropped out of Hebrew School? It’s beginning to sound a lot more like she screwed up as much as I appeared to during our childhoods, with the difference being the family was running “damage control” constantly, to keep up appearances. The main difference between she and I was that she was willing to keep up the facade for the family, where as they could tell it wasn’t in my heart to do that, nor would I understand how to. That being said, you know how the South Park special ended? Clyde gives in to the peer pressure of the latest fad (this energy drink called Cred) to “be cool and popular”, and it got me realizing that as much as we were buying the latest popular toy, or begging for it for Christmas so others would gravitate toward us, that’s what everyone around us was also doing; goes back to the social blackmail that I brought up amongst these entries, and going back to here. One other element about this latest South Park special–and lemme also take the moment to elaborate that unlike the “Panderverse” special which people can’t stop masturbating over, I thought this one was leaps and bounds better than it in quality of writing, save for “Panderverse” having that one catchy line “put a chick in it, make her gay”–that I thought worth noting btw was that the kids would mention how “this or that” was a really rare, HTF flavor of Cred energy drink, which would also make the kids “cooler”.

Now, in this day and age of the internet, yeah…..we have constant access to texting, and social media, and podcasts, and general communication with these companies and influencers to inform us of if there’s a limited edition item, if something has been discontinued, if it’s only available in certain areas, and the list goes on. Back when I was a kid? Remember what I said here about Junkman talking about pretending to be an epic breakdancer in some other nearby town, and the other kids would have to take his word for it, cause they never actually went there? I mean…there were rumors on the playground and shit, but as we all know now–those of us who are adults reading this–most of us don’t even know shit as adults, and you think we knew any better about this when we were kids?! The reason I bring all of this up is to reinforce what I stated here recently about not worrying regarding what your “social status” is because of how much it changes on a dime anyway, how meaningless it is if the focus is on the new shiny toy you have over what you as a person bring to the table as is, and how “nicely” this transitions into something else that’s technically even more important to this holiday season being celebrated than some wrapped gifts under the tree or next to a menorah:

The story given behind why Christmas is celebrated; the story of lord & savior Jesus Christ…….and how from things I’ve recently been learning about in the “conspiracy” community, why the Jewish/Torah interpretation of Jesus Christ does not make him out to be a Messiah:

Whether or not Jesus truly did have holy lineage, the Angel Studios TV series “The Chosen” simply depicts Jesus as a very wise teacher, and little more than that. “But, but Russell….he could walk on water, heal the sick, turn water into wine, and…and…”; hey folks, remember this entry I did a while back on here, about how humans are said to actually have most of those amazing capabilities, but are being weighed down by the lower frequency matrix simulation, and overloaded with chemicals to all keep us from being able to reactivate them?

Essentially, if we all had these powers that Jesus is said to have had, he may’ve had holy lineage, but was simply little more than a very wise teacher beyond that; there was little further special about him….and I’m not saying that to be a heretic, I’m simply stating that while it’s fine to celebrate something regarding an important historical figure, understand that a lot about that figure may have been kept from us to “re-contextualize” history so we understand it the way…certain people want us to, not the way it actually was, which leads me into my main topic for this entry, and incidentally…..this entry was actually inspired by a fascinating meme I saw on Twitter “unraveling” the narrative we’ve been taught about….the European theater of World War II, to put it nicely.

So, how does inspiration from “unraveling” historical narrative about World War II apply to the Autistic community, you may be wondering? Follow me, my friends:

If you tell Autistic people that they aren’t really disabled, the community will want to know why we’ve been discriminated against, & were locked in mental asylums for so many decades.

If they find out there was no need to be locked away in mental asylums, they’ll want to know what was being kept from them from the get-go about their mental difference, and if there’s a reason this information was being withheld from the public, and if there’s not only a more sinister, but “mass-scale” reason for withholding this information.

If they find out they were kept in mental institutions as a result of information being intentionally withheld from the rest of the populous, to avoid the disclosure of very sinister activities, it would then bring into question whether everyone else held at those facilities truly needed to be in the care of these “professionals”, if those “professionals” ever had proper credentials to “care” for all these people to begin with, or if all these people could’ve genuinely thrived in the world on their own terms, for the benefit of humanity, and not been bogged down by questionable chemicals and electroshock therapy treatments, and what these treatments were even actually intended to be delivered for, from the get-go.

If they were to find out pretty much none of these people ever needed to be locked away in institutions with “professionals” electrocuting them, and loading them up on drugs, that there my friends is strength in numbers, and a lot of people who could band together and do some very productive things for the good of humanity, and in the process do it in a way on a higher frequency, complimenting each others’ strengths and weaknesses, to an achievement level that most of humanity is not even close to used to comprehending, as of right now.

If the community were to come to realize all of this, they would want to know who wanted us put in institutions from the get-go, and would piece together very quickly how they got the masses to go along with it…..as we do. In the process, the community would also quickly realize how easily many of our own had been suckered in by these people to believe other people they told us were against us were used as a scapegoat to release our own outrage on, in the process doing further self-reflection on our own to genuinely become better people.

I want to conclude this thought process with something I recently brought up on Twitter, and how what I’m about to say aligns with a movie I strongly recommend viewing:

As we head into 2024 and 2025, many things about society are going to become far clearer to everyone; who’s been running it, why it’s been run the way it has, and why so many have fallen for that program the way they have; everything that will be unraveling will be painting a very different picture for you about your Autism diagnosis and its benefits to society–as well as what you’re told is a detriment to it–than what you’ve been led to believe, including the truth about Autism, as I can promise you They don’t want you to know what it is.

That being said, take note of the movie Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter; from what I’ve heard, there’s far more truth to the content of the movie than it just being some horror movie about Abraham Lincoln….and far more truth than we’ve been led to believe via history books. However, even at the time when it was happening, and a more “comfortable” narrative wasn’t yet written, people still sided with the Confederacy, and that includes those Lincoln was trying to save. Why do I bring this up? Because expect many in our community to give in to the narrative–even while it collapses–these next few years, all the same; however, two sides will emerge in this spiritual battle:

Us Vs Them, and I don’t mean Autistic Folks Vs Normies…..in part because I anticipate seeing many in our community join “Them” (again, Normies are not the “Them” I refer to; many of THEY will be joining US when the narrative falls apart) in the battle; it is completely out of my control, but their choice entirely. That being said, I will not sympathize with those in our community who would join “Them” to destroy us. If you make your choice, know you have made that choice.

I would like to conclude this entry by mentioning that in just a little over a week, Disney’s first ever animated short featuring Mickey Mouse, Steamboat Willy, will officially be going into public domain; get ready to watch the Mouse completely collapse in the public sphere, and perhaps by then you will understand further why I declined to do those initially-planned entries about Frozen, and Lilo & Stitch.

You folks have a fantastic weekend; if I have time or worthwhile content to post an update on Thursday, I will. Otherwise, I will see you in 2024, and then “let the games begin”! 😀

Author: GettingRealWithAutism

I'm Autistic; I'm hoping I can speak for those in my community, and offer hope, encouragement, and advice for those in my community, and potentially clarity for those *not* in the community. So, now you know; and knowing is half the battle (cue the GI Joe theme)

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