
Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

I just got finished chatting with an eBay representative about a shipment I sent to Australia this past Monday; the buyer asked me to combine shipping, which I stated in my listing was amongst my terms. I was not aware that the eBay Shipping Program–that I didn’t even realize I’d been enrolled in automatically, and for all international shipments–prevented combined shipments, so my listings were technically false advertising for a while, and without my knowledge.

They did show me how to opt out, so I can combine shipments again, but that being said…..I got something far better out of this experience than the ability to fill out customs forms again:

I was given a lifeline to offer an even bigger build-up to at least one of the Big Entries I’ve had to hold back on, and I can do it now with easier-to-digest terms than anything that has yet to be disclosed publicly yet; I can literally do it with information already out there publicly, and while it won’t completely drive the point home the way I’m hoping those entries will, it will serve to prop it up even more, so I’m rather excited about that.

Incidentally enough, the shipment going to Australia is to a customer who’s son is Autistic.

The details about this, and a revelation I had about WWF/WCW Wrestling are coming very, very soon…..likely this upcoming week.

All that, and if you haven’t heard….Julian Assange has been publicly released from Belmarsh Prison on a Plea Deal. Eyes on, people….

You wanna know why you’re labeled “disabled“? Get ready to find out…and watch the stigma collapse 😀

“But My Mom Says I’m Cool!”

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

For those wondering, yes, this title is 117% in reference to a classic line by Milhouse Van Houten from the Simpsons episode “Burns’ Heir” from Season 5. Did you know that line became so popular, that it got put on a t-shirt?! And yes, this is the second time a Simpsons character was considered in reference for a blog entry title!

Folks, thank you so dearly for waiting patiently even longer tonight than normal for me to have this blog entry up; if you’re wondering what the delay was, I’ve been fighting off a really bad headache since Thursday afternoon; you name it, I tried it to get rid of it; it was to the point where both that and the humidity woke me up 5 hours after I flopped into bed, and the headache receded long enough for me to go online and attempt to order a new, expensive Lego set…..and I had to delay the purchase, because my bank thought suspicious activity was going on with my card at 6:30 AM in the morning, and the block on my card wasn’t removed til they woke me back up at sometime around 10 AM to confirm it was me trying to make the purchase, removing the block! I did order the Lego set earlier, followed by my food shortly thereafter, and was talking with Ursula a little bit about Tarah–and explaining why she hadn’t heard from me in a few days–and after finishing a portion of my food, I was watching a little bit of a video by Clownfish TV of James O’Keefe’s undercover agents getting some more bad press for Disney, news of which does not help their official debut of Tiana’s Bayou Adventure, I assure you!

Now that we got that out of the way, before our Feature Presentation, as usual I have some exciting updates to share:

The first one actually happened at the end of last month. On May 31st of last month, I went to Storage to pay the monthly bill, and brought the last of my former roommate’s stuff there, and texted him to come pick it up; despite my stopping in Storage earlier this week, and finding he still hasn’t taken it, it was later that day (May 31st) that something hit me; symbolism, if you will:

I was bringing the last of his stuff that I had to Storage for him to take on the 5th Anniversary of the announcement of our eviction. I realized that day it was like God had given me 5 years to grow, and prepare myself for “what’s to come“. It really was amazing to get to look back exactly 5 years and see where I was then, compared to where I am now!

The second announcement I want to share is….as of two weekends ago, I have officially done it: I sat down, and watched My Dinner With Andre….a movie I brought up all the way back in this entry here. If you’d told me back 5 years ago that I’d actually sit down, and watch a 2-hour movie about two guys talking over dinner, I would’ve thought you to be high. Today, I watched that, and earlier that week, a low-budget Christian movie from 1981 called “Early Warning”….which I’d like to get on DVD, but it’s out of print, and really expensive now.

All the same, I finally decided to check out My Dinner With Andre, as at the time it was heavily brought to my attention, I was of a mindset to put the kibosh on any movies that weren’t borderline-documentaries, and were fictional in any way; as we see with Turning Red, Ron’s Gone Wrong, Grease, and many others–even if many of them did get my attention because of their relation to real-world events–I was not immune to watching fictionalized takes, so I decided to pull the trigger on My Dinner With Andre, and sit down with it.

My thoughts? It’s very good, but goes on a little bit too long. Now, with most movies this isn’t a major issue, as there’s a lot going on. This movie is not one of those cases as…’re watching two guys talk over dinner the whole time. This is one of those cases where either it gets cut off at just the right time, or a little early, leaving viewers wanting more, and it did not do that, so as a result, while I’m glad I saw it, I won’t be adding it to my collection. I will however give the movie major credit for getting creative with some camera angles and lighting, especially when you consider the criteria of the presentation…..and also Wallace Shawn at times appears to “overact”, as it were, but all in all, definitely recommended, just again…not something that will be going in my collection.

Now that that’s all out of the way, on to our Feature Presentation, and hopefully you’ll understand how it ties into the update I did this past Tuesday:

Last weekend, I woke up to a text from an old friend of mine; I’ve actually brought this friend up amongst several previous entries, including here, here, here, here, and here. Well, this “old friend” I referred to for eons as my “former best friend”, and I’m gonna get into that, because there’s something I have to get off my chest about it, likely much to his chagrin; and I think it’s time we give him a name, due to how much this entry emphasizes him, and the realization I made from our short text convo last weekend; we’re gonna call him Dylan. Dylan and I met at a summer day camp in 1990, when I was 8 and he was 7; we hit it off immediately with pretty much the perfect chemistry, hung out whenever we could, the works. It was on a trip we went to with his family to some petting zoo or something that I declared him my best friend, and he responded in kind. A few years went by, and we were entering our teens though, and…..his insecurities started taking control, and to a point both where God clearly needed them to get my attention regarding certain aspects, but unfortunately he wound up overdoing it, let’s just say, and we’ll get to where the fallout with that happened.

In fact, many of the criticisms he lobbed at me in our high school years were Autistic traits that we didn’t realize were Autistic traits at the time, and they were reinforced by his own heavy insecurities about how everyone viewed him. As a saying my buddy Lernens taught me years later “guilt by association”. In fact, to give you an idea, one thing he criticized me for was how bad my body odor supposedly was….and apparently, even when I covered myself with deodorant, he still claimed I smelled like a horse’s ass. My mindset today? If I smell like a horse’s ass with or without deodorant, I’ll save myself the $5 of spraying myself with dangerous chemicals, and just stick to smelling like a horse’s ass. If you can’t tolerate it, don’t be around me; I assure you my life will be far more peaceful in the process. He also would criticize me regarding how bad my breath smelled….even after I used mouthwash, and it turned out the reason for that was whenever we were at school, I didn’t say much, so the heat in my mouth would overpower the mouthwash, whereas he was constantly flapping his gums with those surrounding him, so the smell of the mouthwash never wore out. I… not regret that. However, that does segue nicely into where things get really important; something he said to me at the time in high school, and how it relates to the text message he sent to me, and everything in between:

He said to me at one point “I could’ve been popular, but I gave up that opportunity to be friends with you!”

Well……the text message I received from him very much said otherwise, lemme tell ya, especially with how it connects with everything that proceeded his saying that, and everything–again–before that text message.

Before I get to all this, lemme preface that this is not to attack Dylan, call him a terrible person, a loser, or anything like that; he’s still a buddy of mine–albeit a more “background” player in my life now–but I still like the guy; I still think he used to be one of the funniest guys I ever knew, should’ve gone on to do stand-up comedy tours, and still think he should, after he gets back on his game. He’s married with a kid now, I couldn’t be happier for him, and wish him nothing but the best, but after the message I got from him via that text, well…..I think there’s something you folks really need to consider:

So, one thing he and I commonly did back in our teens was prank phone calls, usually to places that had given us attitudes and whatnot, and we both did voice impressions and all that, when calling those places; we even have some on tape; he has those tapes! Yeah, probably heavily inspired by DJ Todd Pettengil, the Jerky Boys, and several other prominent names of the time.

Well, his text to me was audio of a brand new prank phone call he’d done now, 25 years later… LensCrafters. He tried to an impression of Megatron from Transformers, and it wound up sounding more like Christopher Lloyd doing his best Senator Bernie Sanders. I flat-out told him I really wish he’d get back into his comedy routines, so he could do stand-up, as I still believe he could, and he responded with “I’m only 41 bro, I’ve still got plenty of time!” To which I thought to myself “you just fucking prank-called LensCrafters! What’s next, Life Alert?!”

This experience, as stated before, got me thinking about all that we’d gone thru since “growing apart”, a little under 25 years ago now.

During that whole time Dylan and I were growing apart, I still considered him my best friend; even with the Rat Pack in tow, in my mind, nobody topped Dylan in my world. I was willing to do anything and everything to keep our friendship as strong as I believed it to be, on my own end……not realizing at the time what I fully understand today, and let us kick off those examples, so we can get into the main point where this leads to:

At one point, we were walking around the video store in town, and I asked him if he wanted to see the movie Clerks; I’d watched it previously with another friend of ours, thought it was hilarious, and knew he’d really enjoy it. He shrugged it off….until his circle of buddies pushed him to check it out. Then he thought it was flat-out hilarious. When Wrestling became popular again in the late 1990s, he decided to suddenly jump on that too, and would even do the WWF “D-X” move to his fellow classmates, to get them to laugh. Several moons later, after the incident where it was inevitable that we could no longer restore our friendship to where it had been (oh I’ll get to that)–I recommended he check out the show Doctor Who; told him it was a really good low-budget BBC production; it would be right up his alley. Once again, shrugged it off…..until he saw me and the other guy (let’s call him Lewis) going back and forth about it on Facebook, following Lewis deciding to check it out himself, to see what I kept yapping about, and loving it; then Dylan finally checked it out, and even threw in “you and I have very similar tastes, so of course I was gonna like it!”

Of course “you and I have very similar tastes” did not seem to translate to keeping up on the DuckTales reboot the way I did, and you know why? Because it never became the hit everyone was talking about. Basically, Dylan’s entire schtick was jumping on the latest trendy thing, to keep peoples’ attention (kinda like what Hulk Hogan would do throughout his wrestling tenure, and why he always overexaggerates in his bragging on podcasts, now), so they’d think he was cool.

So you may be asking, after all that, what was the event that officially torpedoed where we’d stand forever as friends? Well friends, one day I saw he changed his status on Facebook to “in a relationship”, and I immediately hit up his girlfriend with a friend request, sent him and her Jeanette’s, and sent her a message…a message that was met with a text from him telling me he was creeped out by my talking to his gal.

“Russell, what did you say? What did you say that was so awful and terrible to earn such ire?” You really want to know friends? Cause I’ll gladly tell you. My message literally went like this:

“Hey there! Just checkin’ in to make sure you’re taking good care of my buddy!”

That was it. That message sent Dylan into a tizzy of insecurity, and he hit me up via text over how awkward he felt with my messaging his girlfriend. I responded later that night with a long text saying “you and I gotta have a chat buddy; accusing me of hitting on your gal is not cool; you know I’d never do anything like that to you, and also factor in I’m with someone now, as it is….who I sent to your girlfriend, as well!”

I got a message from him when I woke up the next day trying to fan the flames, doing damage control, claiming he was drunk when he sent the text, and this and that. I chatted about it further with him on the phone some time later, and he was still clearly trying to do damage control, but at the same time, he was only digging a deeper hole for himself, it sounded so bad. I even told Lernens what he said, and the guy borderline face-palmed, it was so bad.

Believe me when I tell you…I was really hurt beyond words by this, and I shared this with my Dad, my roommate, his girlfriend, my girlfriend, and mostly anyone else around us, and they totally sympathized with me. Well, some time later, he and his girlfriend broke up, and I messaged him and said “and next time, don’t accuse me of hitting on your gal, got it?”, playfully of course. To….which he responded “I didn’t accuse you of hitting on my gal, I just said it was weird”, to which I thought to myself “oh so you weren’t drunk when you sent that message, huh? You’re just really, really insecure; got it.”

Some time later, Dylan got in a new relationship, and this time I didn’t even see the need to bother adding her as a friend; this time, he and the new gal also got married….and I never received a wedding invitation either; admittedly I wouldn’t have been able to go, at the time, but I told him I could’ve at least sent him something, and once again he decided to do damage control and say “oh I don’t need you to send me anything; your blessing was good enough”, knowing full well he’d screwed the pooch yet again.

Then, to make things even more fun, I brought him up via one of the Facebook Autism groups, and apparently it was viewable to the public, and he saw my post, and instead of apologizing for the mess he created, he actually said “I’d prefer you refer to me not as your former best friend, but as an old friend” You can take one guess how I felt when that was his reaction, of all things.

Even a few years later, I sent him a Carnage mug someone had given me some time back, as a Christmas gift, and he responded to me “thanks; you’re a good friend”, to which I thought to myself “yeah, that makes one of us….”; he told me he’d read the card I sent him to his wife, and just the way it all sounded, it was like we were in two separate worlds, and probably for the best, I guess, at this point.

Now that I got all that out of the way, let’s explain the significance of the title of this entry, and combine it with his claim of how he “could’ve been popular, but he chose to be friends with me, instead”, and while we’re at it, as a reminder I used to tell guidance counselors “why would a woman date me, when they could have him? He’s everything I am, but better!” Knowing what I know now, as Consuela from Family Guy says it best “no no no no no….”

Here’s the thing to understand, and what I must emphasize for our community above all:

If you’re constantly jumping on any trendy bandwagon to get people to like you, and to become popular, you’re not gonna get people to like you, and you’re not gonna become popular. “Cool”, and to an extent “popular” are states of mind. Following whatever the next “in” thing is doesn’t make anyone popular or cool, it just makes people posers. Incidentally, Dylan has told me multiple times he wish he had the strength I do to not care what other people think.

Am I cool? I have no fucking clue, but y’know what? I got this blog, which hundreds of people around the world read….and I know I help lots of folks in our community; I’ve got a massive following on Twitter, WAY more folks following me on Truth Social than I think is even possible right now, even recently got a shout-out from Phil Godlewski on Telegram, I got a full-time job that I’ve been at for nearly 6 years now, I am the Godfather to an amazing kid–with another on the way–I got my own place, with two adorable guinea pigs living with me, I’ve done traveling with friends, I tried some business ventures which even included appearing in Youtube videos, I have an excellent eBay reputation, and a fantastic Bricklink reputation, an awesome trading buddy in the Philippines, and I’ve been in three relationships, and gotten laid in one of ’em.

What the hell would being “cool” honestly mean to me? If I am, great, if I’m not, my life won’t end tomorrow; I’m me, and that’s the most important thing I can be. I’m not gonna jump on whatever’s trendy in hopes that I’ll suddenly be popular, because whether or not you’re Autistic, that doesn’t work. Either you click with people–who may or may not be popular–or you don’t. No amount of effort you put forward to make it happen is gonna work, because effort means you’re trying; if you’re trying in that context, it truly isn’t meant to be.

I was actually recently having a chat with one of my coworkers–the one who told me to check out Grease and Ron’s Gone Wrong, and was featured in this entry–and she told me she wished she could do high school over again with knowledge she has now. After what happened with my former bestie, I laid out for her that she genuinely missed nothing, if popularity and being “cool” didn’t come naturally; besides, she’s got a whole family she loves, she’s an adored coworker at our job, what more could she possibly ask?

Bottom line:

Just be you; focus on becoming the greatest version of you that there is…..cause as even Gwildor says in the Masters of the Universe movie “Only one of you, Kevin; only one of anybody

If you wind up being “cool”, here’s to ya. If you’re not, here’s to you all the same because you’re still you. If you’re popular, again, here’s to ya. If you’re not…well, I’m not gonna be a broken record again.

My point is….the best thing you can possibly be is yourself, and focusing on becoming the best version of that self that you are.

I see so many of you folks on Reddit and Twitter still whining how your masking isn’t enough, people still don’t like you, yadda yadda yadda. First off, stop masking; stop pretending to be someone you’re not. They can smell a rat a mile away, and if you’re caught, it’s on you. Second of all, if it’s you they don’t like, then no performance you ever put on is genuinely gonna hold on to them in the long-term. Remember, if you’re putting on a performance, you don’t have friends; the performance has fans; how’s that erm…going for Hollywood, recently? Heh heh heh 😉

So no, my buddy Dylan didn’t sacrifice anything to become friends with me; he still has his close crew of buddies that he’s always had and I talk to them in a group on Telegram now, too! Dylan became as socially successful as he was going to, regardless of what bandwagon he jumped on, and for how long that bandwagon was going to be trendy; honestly if he were truly capable of being “popular”, he could’ve done it whether or not he and I were friends; hopefully one day he’ll finally start doing his stand-up comedy tour as I believe he should.

All the same, let this be a lesson to all of you: just follow your heart, and never undercut yourself in hopes that it’ll lead you to the people you think you want. You’re only doing a disservice to yourself, when God wants so much more for you, and you don’t click with them, because you’re not meant to; it’s that simple.

Lemme just end this with some good news, quickly: My Jury Duty term is officially concluded, which will give me more peace of mind to hopefully come up with more material, and sooner.

Either way, we’ll talk again soon, and hopefully I can finally start getting into how vital this world needs us in the very, very near future.

Later! 🙂

Saving the Day

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Hey all!

Lemme start out by letting you all know that a new blog entry is in the works for this weekend, and the reason I called this update what I did is due to something I’m about to explain, and will elaborate on the important connection to that topic this weekend! Believe it or not, this past weekend, I got so busy both with at work and with my other errands in general, that when I received what would kick off the inspiration for this upcoming blog entry, it didn’t even initially click, in that regard! I had to think a lot more about it yesterday, and that’s when all the potential for it hit me….as I was originally just gonna bring it up as part of this update, but then I realized I could do something a lot bigger with it…and it’s something I think might really resonate for our community!

That being said, let me get to why it’s called what it is:

“Saving the Day” is a song on the Ghostbusters soundtrack by the Alessi Brothers, and the significance of this is that….I realized this past weekend that my resurrected interest in both this franchise, and Masters of the Universe–back in high school–weren’t just some nostalgia trips for me, that would eventually develop into something further; no, friends…not by a long shot.

I was thinking about the lead-up to my return to those franchises in my teen years; in the case of Ghostbusters, I would watch Ghostbusters II every time it came on TV, and then while watching a comedy special on PBS starring Rowan Atkinson, a clip from Ghostbusters featuring Stay Puft was used, and…..I could feel a spark in me that had been dormant for several years. At the time, it was common for me to go to the library on weekends, look up music, and check it out from the library; at this point, I was listening to a lot of stuff from the 1970s. Well, one day as I was typing in music, I typed in “Ghostbusters soundtrack”, and when I saw I typed it in, I didn’t understand why, and just left with the rest of my music. I found myself doing it again a week or two later, realizing that something inside of me wanted to “have another go” with the franchise, and in the process, I checked the soundtrack out, rented the the movie from the video store, started trying to buy up all the vintage animated series-tie-in toys, and the rest is history.

In regard to He-Man, one night I was just looking thru an internet directory of vintage 80s TV properties, found Masters of the Universe, and said “I want to check out Skeletor, just one more time; ok, now I want to hear him talk again…just one more time“; and I repeated this with several other characters. I woke up the next day, fully energized with renewed investment for the power of Grayskull!

“Ok ok Russell….so it sounds like for some reason or other, as a teen, you just felt a nostalgic rekindling, but didn’t anticipate it growing from there; who cares?”

My friends….I’ve come to realize recently there was a much, much deeper reason for this; something I never under any circumstances would’ve concluded back then, but the level it resonates with me now is simply amazing:

Why would I suddenly be seeing Ghostbusters II all over TV, then a clip from the first movie on a Rowan Atkinson program on PBS, and suddenly have a desire to look into the soundtrack, while at the library checking out music? God’s guidance. For the same reason I got more excited over checking out the He-Man page than pretty much any other property in that directory, that night: God was directing me down a path with both of them, and for a very important reason, and it goes far, far beyond “hey remember this awesome franchise from your childhood?”:

What, you may ask, is so significant about God directing me to franchises I loved when I was a kid? Simple: both were franchises that I was invested in before the societal programming got heavily pushed on me. In other words, even back then in my mid teens, God was trying to lead me back to myself, and in turn, to Him; yes even before he pulled me out of college, he wanted me as far away from the Programming as possible, and invested in what I had chosen at a young age; and bear in mind….I was a child in the 80s; there was no shortage of popular franchises at the time. Sure, I liked Transformers, GI Joe, Thundercats, etc all just fine, but I never really felt the genuine investment for them that I had for Orko and Egon Spengler, let’s just say. So this was God leading me back to me, and all the way back then.

I recently did a post on Twitter that I shared on Instagram, and it’s gotten a considerable amount of notice via the latter:

I shared that I always used to feel like “I was on the outside looking in”, throughout my life; in fact I stated it in regard to the world of dating and marriage here. What I’ve come to understand in this entire journey….is that I used to feel that way because I was on the outside looking in, cause that’s where God wanted me. The only one trying to genuinely tempt me with the “inside” were the Dark Forces, much the same way they constantly try to tempt and gaslight you.

They know you’re something special, otherwise they wouldn’t push you the way they do; even a preacher I watched a clip of on Instagram said similarly. As another post I made on Twitter–and shared on IG once said–“if anyone ever says to you “you really think you’re gonna make any difference?”, you already have.

That being said, we’ll discuss all of this, and the heavy significance to our community in regard to it, this weekend. I hope you’re all excited, cause this one’s gonna be a fun one, and to be honest….I’m not even sure anything from the “conspiracy” community will be required from it (but I guess we’ll get there when we get there, right? 😉

Anyways, see you folks soon 🙂

Not Even Close To Almost There

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

I want to start out–before I even get to the Updates segment–by mentioning that I was considering calling this entry “I Am Bender, Please Insert Girder”, but as this entry has nothing at all to do with Futurama, I decided it would be too confusing; yes, this one is going up later yet again. Folks, I’ve been getting slammed these past two weeks, and only last night found out that there is no Jury Duty this upcoming week, giving me more time to get more shit cleaned out of my apartment…so another trip to Urban Treasures is on the way, and likely Goodwill as well! Incidentally, I got a sign from God this past week that I’m close to finishing getting my place cleared out finally, as my electronic weight scale officially died after 16 years.

So yeah…..I’ve been hit so hard this past week and a half, I needed a bit of a breather upon getting up before starting this entry; I even placed a few orders/preorders online, before ordering my food, to give you an idea….and browsed a lot on Twitter….and was talking with Ursula, as well!

What I saw on Twitter just before I started this entry is actually another reason I’m glad I waited, based on how nicely it can play into the topic of this entry, in fact! But, we’ll get to that. As for what I was discussing with Ursula…..well, she tells me that she’s discovering Tarah’s boyfriend….isn’t that great of a guy, to put it nicely.

So…’s how I laid it out for Ursula: despite the fact that she and I had zero chemistry when Ursula left us alone on the bench at the Toledo Zoo, we still could’ve been good friends in some capacity; instead, my aura/energy scared her off so badly, she bolted back to a really, really awful guy. I reminded Ursula that God gave her a choice too: take a chance on investing more in the guy her conscious told her to choose as the Godfather to her children, or throw him under the bus for the “bigger party” of people surrounding her. Ursula “took out the trash”, her circle is now shrinking….yet Howard is always asking for me, and the family adores me. I openly refer to that crowd (that she dropped) as the “riff-raff” to Ursula, and she doesn’t challenge me on it; it was a hard choice for someone like her, but she’s glad she chose the option she did.

Tarah didn’t take that risk. As a result of her choosing “more of the same”, her looks are fading a bit, and I feel my IQ points drop when she starts talking; again, I think she’s a decent person, but man oh man…

Along those lines, I’d like to also mention something I’ve been forgetting to discuss:

I am now finally working on forgiving myself in the healing process, for things I felt bad about as a kid. I’m more strongly coming to terms with the realization that not only did I not know better, I was surrounded by people who somehow knew even less, were totally committed to that train of thought, and nothing was gonna divert it; if shit was gonna hit the fan, shit was gonna hit the fan. That was just the way it was, and there was no working around it with such a major lacking in knowledge or understanding, on anyone’s part.

Were there times I felt something just didn’t seem right? Well, as I commonly say these days “if I were to trust my intuition completely regarding other people, all the time, I would never even leave my apartment“; I think the big difference between now and then was I didn’t know about the “bargaining chip” strategy I now employ, in general. Incidentally, this too I just realized will play a bigger role in today’s Feature Presentation.

However, it all segues somewhat nicely into another point I thought about worth bringing up, and it’s in regard not only to the Feature Presentation, but regarding our own desire for connection with others:

I remember being jealous throughout my younger years, hearing about all these accomplishments that my relatives had, and I wished I could join them in those accomplishments, sharing my own; I even got blown away hearing that my cousin was seated right next to Terry “Hulk Hogan” Bollea on a plane–twice–thinking how lucky they were to somehow be in a position to be connected with important, interesting people, and I was just some schlub doing nothing with my life. Well, then I did start doing interesting things with my life, and… family didn’t care. Interviews with celebrities at conventions? Meant something to them when my other relatives did it, but when I did it? Nope. My cousin met Hulk Hogan on a plane; I got to meet Roddy Piper; wanna guess how excited my Dad was on the phone, when I told him about the experience? Barely.

“Why Russell? Why did even your own Dad slight you on this, when they were so excited that the rest of your family did?” Very simple, my friends….it all goes back to these two entries I shared here, about the fallout of my relationship with Jeanette, and why subconsciously, my surroundings wanted it that way, and yes it all ties in to the Feature Presentation today.

See….I’m the nerdy weirdo, and according to the simulation, the nerdy weirdo is not supposed to achieve that success; he’s supposed to look on, be impressed, and look up to others who achieve it; be in the background, and just be thankful to be an observer. When people like we start achieving on their terms in any way, that disrupts the program. We’re supposed to do things on their terms, and rise up in the ways they approve of, to the degree they approve of, and nothing more than that. Otherwise, nothing makes any sense in their eyes.

My own Dad may have wanted to see me achieve in his own way, but even he couldn’t break the programming to an extent, and only saw it from their understanding in the end, as a result. In his mind, he knew his place, and as a result, he didn’t anticipate I was meant to achieve much more than that, if that makes any sense. If that sounds utterly depressing beyond words, then get ready for the Feature Presentation, cause this one is gonna rock your world, friends…I’ve been thinking about it all week:

So tell me……have you heard the big story this week?

“You mean the Trump trial?” No.

“You mean the Hunter Biden gun trial in Delaware?” No.

“You mean Dr. Fauci’s testimony before Congress regarding Covid regulations in 2020?” No.

“Well what the hell is left, Russell?!”

I guess you hadn’t heard about the fallout over the debut of the new Splash Mountain at Disney World: Tiana’s Bayou Adventure”? Incidentally, just a week or two before it officially opened up for preview tours, I decided to watch a POV of the “Brer Rabbit” version of it on Youtube, and… thing hit me above all:

Regardless of my opinions of either Song of the South, or The Princess and the Frog (real quick: I love Princess and the Frog, and find Song of the South to be boring as shit, save for Uncle Remus, and the animated parts with Brer Rabbit, Brer Fox, and Brer Bear), I simply saw Splash Mountain as being designed with Brer Rabbit in mind, and saw no way it could simply be re-skinned/retro-fitted with Tiana and crew…..and I was 117% correct.

It is a disaster. It has no real plot with teeth, outside of some storyline that’s so weak and generic, I could get more tension out of an episode of Full House, or watching Barbie plan a party with her friends. While I like the Mama Odie and Louie animatronics, something seems very off about the Tiana animatronics….almost like they just re-skinned a vintage animatronic for Tiana, whereas Mama Odie and Louie were newly built, or something. What makes it even worse is that not only does the attraction keep malfunctioning, but “Shadow Man” Dr. Facilier was not included in the attraction, as Disney’s Imagineers were afraid his Voodoo depictions in the movie would be viewed as “insensitive material” to audiences, so they kept him off the ride completely. I’d like to quickly throw in that seeing no matter what gets made, it gets considered “offensive” only a short time later at this point, I’m now beginning to sympathize more and more with those “racist stereotypes” that populated pop culture back about a century ago; it makes shit pop; I say now we should enjoy both bad and good cultural stereotypes; put ’em all out there, and let the public decide!

Regardless, Brer Rabbit is now getting more attention from the public than he’s had in about 80 years now; how d’ya like that? 😉

I would go into a longer diatribe about that last point, but it isn’t necessary for the time being, however what it does do is segue very nicely into the main point of why I’m bringing up this new ride at Disney World, all the same; and seriously….if you want to know how bad the backlash has been for Disney, check Clownfish TV and WDW Pro on Youtube; they got the goods (Mama Odie’s voice actress going on a psycho political rant in an interview likely isn’t helping, either).

So….I was busy reading the comments in these videos, and one in particular really stuck out to me, which is where my inspiration for this blog entry came from:

they comment stated that they should’ve put a statue of James Baskett’s Uncle Remus outside of Splash Mountain in tribute to his legendary performance which won him a posthumous Academy Award, back in the day.

So instead, what is Disney trying to do? Erase his legacy, completely.

Why are they so hard-pressed in desiring to do this? This is where things get very, very important, my friends:

Because in the matrix simulation, nobody genuinely rises up. You’re given the illusion of doing so, with allowances for “doing what you’re told”, but you’re only given those allowances for as long as the Puppet Masters deem it to be necessary; when they’re done with you, you’re cast aside like you never mattered to begin with, whether it be via simply erasing your existence from peoples’ memories, or twisting/distorting the narrative about you, in some way.

“Oh c’mon Russell; that can’t be true! The people have a stronger memory than that; they wouldn’t let some rich pedophiles dictate what they do and don’t remember!” Not only does one of the linked entries above completely challenge everything you just said, dear reader, but I have some new examples to share with you, too:

Take that recently released painting of Charles III, and how so many are gushing over it; I’m not talking about the “Conspiracy” community, analyzing it, and meme-ing it, in connection with Lord Vigo from Ghostbusters II; I’m referring to Joe Normie. But wait….I could’ve sworn from the late 80s-at least the late 90s, Charles was torn to shreds at every conceivable turn in the media, treated like some braindead royal doofus, and an embarrassment to the monarchy; yes, he was, and that’s when people treated him as such…when they were told to; as soon as the Normies are told to look up to that fucker, they fall in line to swoon.

This brings us nicely along to what I was looking at on Twitter just before I started this blog entry:

Will Smith is currently trending, because he was apparently watching a screening of the new Bad Boys movie in secret with the audience, and when they found out, they got excited. That’s right….forget literally all the lampooning over the Oscars thing that happened 2 years ago, including by the CIA….I meant late night comedians, and Youtube channels trying to analyze the behavior; nope, all forgiven now. Why? Because; shut up, just because.

Hey, ever seen the Pixar movie Wall-E? How the populous just mindlessly consumes, and takes in whatever they’re told to take in at any given time, without any actual thought as to what they’re taking in, or why they’re taking it in? Like…how that couple just switches from red outfits to blue….just because they’re told to? It’s a lot like that.

But wait, my friends….the simulation doesn’t just prop up people it put down for eons out of nowhere, it also destroys people out of nowhere, the minute they fall out of line with The Agenda; and I got the biggest conceivable agent for proof all ready for ya (even bigger than James Baskett’s Uncle Remus):

Bill Cosby

Cosby was their golden boy. The simulation loved him, and his dark-albeit-safe, inoffensive comedic takes….until he started saying things his financers didn’t like, and they decided to release to the public all the dirty shit they had on him for decades. Did the public for even five seconds ask “why is this only being mentioned now?” Virtually no one that surrounded me did! The mindset was “we’re told he’s awful, so good enough”. I even remember bringing up to my relatives how I had a chat with Jimmie Walker at Comic Con about the thing with Bill Cosby, and shocker of shocks, they were borderline-breathing fire at me, because I dared to have any other perspective than what the talking heads in their bubble told them.

For an even more recent example, you may recall I had a less-than-pleasant gaslighting session with my former roommate on Telegram over Ghostbusters: Frozen Kingdom, where I tried to explain that I saw the beginning of Ghostbusters: Afterlife in one of the breakrooms at work, and was incredibly discouraged that in order to make the sequels work, Egon’s legacy had to be completely desecrated; just like all the other Normies, he just shrugged that off as “setting up the new characters”.

At this point, I have a question for you fine folks: Have you ever seen the 1993 Joel Schumacher-directed Falling Down? Fantastic movie; I just recently borrowed it from my library, and recommended it to everyone in my vicinity; the reason I bring it up here is because it was actually the Critical Drinker on Youtube who recommended it, and upon my own checking it out, I realized it was even better than his recommendation, when you factor in the aspect of the matrix simulation. The main character feels like he’s been completely cheated and screwed over by The System, successfully sounds like every single Baby Boomer and WWI/WWII Gen person I knew growing up, and harkens back to an earlier version of the simulation; take note, I didn’t say he wants something better than the System completely, he just wants the one he’s nostalgic over; i.e. completely missing the point on how The System is designed to work, and it destroys him in the end. Definitely worth checking out, if you haven’t!

The bottom line is…..

I know so many of you reading this feel like an utter failure for not being able to “rise up on society’s terms”, because you think you’re disabled, because that’s what society tells you. Well, here’s the thing to understand:

Nobody rises up, in the matrix simulation; you’re given a false sense of security, and even if you manage to retain that to your death bed, at some point down the road, your legacy will be tarnished, tarred, feathered, twisted, distorted, and potentially even erased if it doesn’t fit with the latest version of The System. You’ll basically be thrown to the dogs, and in the words of Billy Joel in Anthony’s Song “is that all you get for your money?”

Remember how I mentioned the Futurama reference at the beginning? It’s because the simulation essentially wants the populous to “consume product”, and that’s it; put no thought into it, just “consume product”, do what they’re told, keep their heads down, and they won’t have to risk any bad press or their reputations being ruined. Well, this all goes back to my “bargaining chip” strategy I mentioned at the beginning….and this is something I’ve stated resonates very heavily with our community; not necessarily specifically in doing it, but in having the software installed to do it:

We disrupt the simulation just by being ourselves, and having the memory capability to challenge whatever the matrix rolls out at any given time, and with a level of articulation that even the Normies who do attempt to challenge it crash & burn in trying to mentally comprehend. We have no real necessity to be violent about it either, we simply present our case, and with our examples/evidence at hand, and with the articulation as we understand how to present it, in ways I usually see Normies falling abysmally short, still being too mentally “chained” up to the simulation “offerings”.

We are there to give Normies the choice to either rise up and do better, or shrink back, and accept the “more of the same” with whatever the simulation offers; yes, our offering might be intense, brash, and uncomfortable, but the “meat” of any offering usually is! So stand proudly & tall in the abilities that God has blessed you with, and be the disruption to the matrix simulation you were put here to be! You might even be seeing a lot more people “flailing” publicly recently, and that’s because the simulation is in collapse, and the programmed Normies (or are they just programs of the System/NPCs? I’m trying to figure that out, honestly) don’t know how to react when a collapsing system doesn’t know how to tell them how to react! And… a collapsing system one you really want to “rise up” in? Wouldn’t it sorta be like playing with the orchestra on the Titanic, and when the ship goes down, you bolt for it, with the others criticizing/gaslighting/shaming you for not completing the piece that was being performed, when you….kinda want to get to a lifeboat instead, and save yourself?

Don’t worry about not fitting in, and not rising up on Their terms; you weren’t put here to do what they don’t even actually genuinely do anyway, and you know that deep down. And very soon, They’re all gonna understand that, as well. For now, just feel free to stroll on, make like Uncle Remus, and sing “Zippity Doo-Dah…” 😉

See you folks soon 🙂

“Hot Town, Summer In the City….”

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Thanks to the Lovin’ Spoonful for that perfect title…despite it not officially being Summer yet 😉

Happy Tuesday, everyone! Wanted to share a quick update:

First off, a new blog entry will be up this weekend. I did not expect at all to come up with it, but I got some…..motivation, let’s just say, and I’ll talk all about it, at that time; incidentally I came up with it right in the middle of one of the busiest stretches of work/errands I’ve had in a while.

I’ve mentioned recently that I am in the process of doing self-forgiveness though, and admit I forgot to elaborate on it via the last big entry, but instead I’ll do it this weekend in the Updates.

Two major things though I did want to share with this update though, and why it’s called what it is….

First off, I now have a major Summer project at my disposal; it’s as if God is giving me this period to do the last major push to clear the rest of the shit out of my apartment, and I’m excited to take this on. I already took about 7-8 heavy bags of stuff to Goodwill yesterday, brought a few boxes full to Urban Treasures…and left there with some vintage 1930s cast-iron Wild West figures that are now in my display case! 😀

Later today I’m gonna get another pile ready started at least for Urban Treasures, and I’ll see what I can do for Goodwill, time pending.

I also wanted to mention before concluding this update that I woke up today, and I felt a sense of….peace. I attribute that peace to not only my dietary alterations in progress–and major push to get off the pills–but also my shifting gears to using natural soap & laundry detergent. It appears the chemicals in all the artificial stuff really do contribute a lot to keeping everyone on the lower frequencies, and contributing to the chaos. Take my word: once you work on flushing your body out of all that, a sense of relief will flow thru you in ways you hadn’t experienced before. I’m not saying a perfect sense of relief, but you’ll know you’re on the right track, and you’ll feel different, in a very very good way; not feeling weighted down by the System, the way you did before.

So, just wanted to put that out so far; I hope you guys like what I have for this upcoming weekend, cause it all started with something very topical; we’ll talk about it then 🙂

Leaving No Stone Unturned

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Yes I realize I’m starting this entry seemingly very late today, but I’m also very glad I did, as I just finished the latest South Park special “The End of Obesity”, and I never thought it would tie so flawlessly into this entry, based on one of the major updates I have to share, today!

Before we do that though, let’s get into the other updates, shall we?

First and foremost, just as I was promoting my last major entry, I discovered one of my family members is now following me on Instagram. Literally my first thought was “how desperate, repetitive, and trivial do things have to be getting on Facebook for you to start following me here….hell, for you to start following me at all?!” Yeah, I had her on Facebook, but being mutually connected there, and being “followed” on Instagram are kinda two different things; it’s at this moment I’d like to remind you…..I’m not actually doing anything in hopes of getting my family’s attention. I’m just doing what I’ve always done, and who will follow will follow; I’m letting the energy attract other energy, that is all. I’m not desperate for anyone to like me, or to care. Reality is……she knows she’s getting something from me that she ain’t getting from anyone on Facebook at this point; I really don’t even want to know what that Hellscape is like at this point.

Speaking of which…..I now also have more followers on both Truth Social and Twitter than those I’m following! No, this is not to boast, or self-congratulate like I’ve made some huge achievement; once again, I got to that point just by doing me, saying what’s on my mind, and letting it play out as it’s gonna play out…not desperately begging for the attention of others, or pretending I’m someone I’m not in hopes I’ll get it. In the case of Truth Social, remember the crowd that we’re talking about there, and how much they’ve fallen for a….certain narrative. Yet I still have more followers there than those I’m following….and might I add, some of those I follow on there are vehemently opposed to our community, but I still like their content otherwise.

Speaking of that community, by the way, Jimmy Dore recently shared a statement Col. Douglas MacGregor made on Twitter about how the CIA had been experimenting on American citizens as far back as the early 1950s, so….there’s that “idyllic picture-esque Americana” for ya….what a load of horseshit, right?

Speaking of Jimmy Dore (yeah, I got a lot of updates this go), he recently did a segment on the CIA program MK Ultra (discussed here), confirming literally everything I said in this blog entry here, and it explains quite nicely why it’s one of the pieces Reddit decided to take down. I’ll say it again: If you’re coming from Reddit, please subscribe to this blog; Reddit wants my ass censored so badly.

In fact, in conjunction with that update, I’d like to bring up a podcast I listened to recently, featuring Billy Carson and Jason Shurka; they were dissecting what the term “disease” actually means, and essentially laying out that most “diseases” and “disorders” as we understand them aren’t inherently bad of their own existence, but the issue is how they react to certain environments, sort of like what I stated here about the whole “petri dish” example. This goes back to what I’ve said throughout this miniseries about how there’s nothing truly wrong with your Socializing capabilities, but simply that it disrupts the simulation…..a simulation that’s intentionally designed to be a total scam, but our brains reject that programming.

The System is entirely designed to revolve around the idea of “fake it til you make it”…..and then you consider that the populous proceeds to live up to that rule….and is left with a high divorce rate, and complaining about it on the Whatever podcast. This is all by design, friends.

Speaking of that divorce rate that the Whatever podcast cashes in on, I was recently listening to a long-distance dedication from the Casey Kasem American Top 40 Countdown archived entries–this one was from 1986–about a gal some teen had fallen for back in 1980, & the “adults” surrounding him kept telling him he was too young to even know what love even really is; cause you know…..all the marriage counselors raking in the bucks over the past several decades, and all the drinking and cheating decades before that have shown that they all had it down pat, right?

Well you know what? The Autistic mind isn’t designed for “fake it til you make it”; as even Zeleni would agree based on his immortal words here, to quote one of the South American villagers to Launchpad McQuack in the third part of the Treasure of the Golden Suns opening storyarc Three Ducks of the Condor, when he expressed hesitation over riding a dangerous bird to escape imprisonment: “you fly or bye-bye!

Remember that most of these people don’t even know themselves that well, so are even more terrified of challenging the system, which in their eyes makes you an even bigger threat than those “rebellious bad boys” that absolutely aren’t. So many are mostly just attention whores seeking out and following the latest trends to feel worthy in the eyes of others; again, it’s not a scenario that works in your favor….so why waste your time trying to convince anyone–including yourself–that it is?

I have one more big update before getting into the whole reason I brought up the latest South Park special from the get-go, as it was something I was thinking about last night, while at work, and it does relate to what I mentioned about wanting to please/impress other people, approval and all that, as brought up throughout all these updates thus far, and will also resonate quite nicely with the Feature Presentation:

I suddenly remembered two particular instances from my childhood: one I did out of exploration purposes, and hoping to impress my parents….the other I did purely out of curiosity; let me explain….

So in the first case, at one point, I clogged the latrine in our upstairs apartment. I literally did it for the same reason Plucky Duck did it in an episode of Tiny Toon Adventures: I wanted to see how much could actually go down there. People I wasn’t even 10 years old; I was curious.

Yes, the latrine got clogged up, overflowed, my parents got mad at me, and I had to apologize to the landlord, and I felt terrible.

In the other case, I started drawing on my bedroom wall, because I was inspired by the idea of artwork, and wanted to see what I could pull off (I was definitely think of the Mona Lisa at the time; that I very distinctly recall). I was actually so proud of my intention–even though the artwork obviously didn’t look that good–that I proudly announced to my parents I wanted to show them something in my room; and when I did I got yelled at for it. Our landlord had to repaint my room, I was disciplined, felt bad, the whole nine yards.

Well, as of last night, I realized something:

I’m not sorry for what I did, and you know why? My intentions weren’t bad in either case; I was trying to explore, and share my understanding of what inspired me. I didn’t know I was doing anything wrong, and the fact that I literally wanted my parents to see my wall drawings should’ve very well indicated I had something I was excited to share. Getting yelled at for it just sent the message to me “don’t explore, except on the socially acceptable terms and conditions that the other kids are doing; we’re not in a financial situation where we can afford to take those types of risks, after all”. Well Mom & Dad, I love you both, but guess what?

If you can’t afford to take those risks, what the hell were you thinking back in 1981 trying to conceive?

I get it, I get it….two very traumatized adults who never healed, so they handled life as best they could; I get that, but I’m glad I understand it from a higher context now……as I continue to indicate to all of you how a lot of what you got attacked for in your childhood….may not actually have been a bad thing, but was considered bad & disruptive to the System.

Now for the final big update before we get to the Feature Presentation:

Recently, I received a notice in the mail from my Cardiologist that her practice was relocating to Amherst Ohio, and I took this as a sign from God that my dietary regimen is now doing well enough that I can now begin looking for a holistic alternative. I was at work a few weeks back, and got a call from one, and was hoping to set up an appointment at the end of this month, for early this upcoming month; while canceling with my Cardiologist the day after.

Well, a wrench got thrown into those gears last week, as I’ve discovered that I got a summons for Jury Duty for June, so I have to hold off getting that appointment for the time being, but in the meantime I’m trying to get more pointers to get off the Big Pharma meds/switch them out for more herbs and spices–even talking with folks on Twitter and Telegram about it–and in the process I noticed something, brought it up to a few groups yesterday, and I’m honored to share it with you folks now as well:

I came to the realization yesterday that, as of the last several weeks, my sex drive has returned to that of when I was in my late teens/early 20s, and I attribute that to the major dietary alterations I’ve made, including the changes made “out of my control” if you will from now being unable to consume large amounts of sugar and “heavy” grains. In fact, shortly before work yesterday, I even felt an intuition….to pick up my dumbbell again, and re-start lifting. Nothing major for right now, just a little bit here and there, but yes…..I believe as my body goes “crystalline” as Ismael Perez explained, my body will be directing me toward a far healthier regimen overall, however there’s an important caveat with all of this, and I found it very necessary to bring up, as I discussed it with some others yesterday:

Just because I’m eating better now doesn’t mean I’m suddenly some Tony Atlas/Jack LaLane fella who only eats fruit and veggies, and works out for half the day, or anything like that. One very important thing I’m learning from my dietary regimen alterations is that they don’t work on the lower frequencies, because there is no incentive whatsoever to keep it up. “But Russell, what about that gal who wants to look good for her husband?” How long’s that gonna last, 5 minutes? She gained weight from the get-go for a reason, didn’t she?

All I’m doing is trusting my own intuition, and giving my body what it needs, and to serve as God needs me to; that is the incentive I have to do what I’m doing, not for some goal that won’t mean a damn in 5 minutes; please educate me as to what in the hell is the major incentive within the simulation? And this, my friends, is why I started out bringing up how I just finished the latest South Park episode…..because it’s all about the citizens of South Park loading up on drugs to lose weight…..because they aren’t happy with themselves, but don’t have the willpower to do anything about it, or a genuine incentive, either.

When you trust your own intuition, and give your body what it genuinely needs–and it will tell you what it needs–you’re following God’s plan, and the rewards are more than worth it!

Bringing that up actually segues me even better into the Feature Presentation than I’d anticipated, actually…so let’s get this show on the road:

As I discussed in the last update, it’s time a weight is lifted off of me, and while mine was mostly in the vicinity of dating/romance, I think this can actually resonate in a variety of areas, and for a lot of folks in our community:

All the way back in this entry here–where I first began discussing my experiences as an Autistic guy in the world of dating–I talked about how I would often make jokes & insults at my own expense to those around me, utterly bashing myself for feeling like a worthless loser, undeserving of a good woman, even to the point where people would recommend gals I would go after, and I’d be repeatedly met with the response that I was making excuses, or some indication they just thought I wanted pity, or attention, or something like that.

In fairness, at the time, after I was able to “resist fighting the programming” just enough to make it to a B average in High School, I felt it was proof that I was a total failure in every conceivable way, and why I didn’t just “end it all now”, I didn’t understand at the time; lost and confused beyond anything. OH relax, this is going somewhere important!

Basically at this time in my life, I was thinking that my expertise was toys…and if I wasn’t good at that, well fuck, cause it’s all I had. Literally nothing else to offer whatsoever; I was that far down the rabbit hole of self-loathing and depression.

So where does this come in, regarding my dating life, aside from repeating over and over again the words “I’m never gonna get a girl, I’m never gonna get a girl, I’m never gonna get a girl”? (I assure you that is no exaggeration; that happened, and pretty much for several years of a particular period, on end). My coworkers at Suncoast, as you’ll recall, tried for instance suggesting this one gal Priscilla to me; she was dating a guy we’ve been calling Larry, and yes….I thought she was very attractive; this guy bummed around Burger King and Taco Bell, trying to get whatever freebies he could, and my coworkers assured me I could only be an improvement over him…but I just didn’t see it. Yes, even with a life where I’d never stoop to those levels, had a job, paid for my meals and all that, I still didn’t think I was even good enough for Priscilla….and every suggestion my coworkers make that I shot down sounded to them–again–like I just wanted pity, I just didn’t want to try, the whole nine yards.

Well friends, let me let you in on the reality of what I was thinking at that time….and I assure you excuses were the absolute last thing on my mind:

No, I didn’t want pity, the “there there” bullshit, or anything like that, and no…I honestly didn’t believe I was good enough for people who dressed like they should’ve been hanging out with Jay & Silent Bob. What I actually wanted and needed was something entirely different:

All the “excuses” they thought I was making were basically attempts to lay every single conceivable argument out to have an “airtight” case for myself, if you will. It goes back to the very title of this entry, in fact, and why I brought up “fake it til you make it” in the Updates; essentially, I wanted every single argument I could possibly think of countered in every conceivable way. I wanted all those argument proven wrong at every angle and perspective possible.

Ever seen the movie Lawnmower Man? Jobe thinks he’s been trapped inside the virtual world, and tries to activate every single route in hopes that one of them can release him from his imprisonment…until he does finally find one that got missed, and when he does, his essence effects every single telephone system network on the planet.

That’s the mentality I was working with, and have always worked with. I want what bothers me resolved on every conceivable necessary level, via every perspective & angle, in every possible way. I don’t want some bullshit I can read off a cocktail napkin like “awwwww, you’ll find someone”; all that means nothing, and an empty bag o’ chips (see, what I did there?) ! If one sector of my concerns/insecurities gets resolved, gotta move on to that next sector, and resolve that, etc; not just “leaving well enough alone”, and pretending for the rest; that doesn’t resonate with me at all. I’m where I am today because I not only finally did the work to resolve those issues, but was given the proper incentive to do so; not only that, but today at 42, I have understanding I didn’t have then as to why none of what they offered was getting thru, and why what resonates with me does. And take note: I don’t need to be in a relationship per se for those issues to be resolved, but I’m of the impression God wants most of it resolved before he brings Mrs. Right into the picture! It has to be resolved properly though. If even one concern is left improperly unresolved, it will spread, and affect everything else.

So….why wasn’t it, then? Aside from the obvious reality that God was trying to get me out of NJ in the next few years, anyway, it goes once again back to what Laura Faye has stated about those on the lower frequencies:

They don’t have the advice to give you. All you’re gonna get is “broken record” talking points, and “awww I’m so sorry” phrases that you could probably press the button on the back of a baby doll or an action figure, and literally get the same level of substance from; hell, I’d almost insult it enough to say you’d be better getting talking points from Fox News or MSNBC, but even I’m not that cruel! Those who stick with the lower frequencies pretty much have nothing to offer you in terms of growth-related advice; not saying you can’t get anything at all out of them, but if you’re looking for deep, introspective inspiration, you have better chances of filing an insurance claim for it via the American Healthcare System (reference to the latest South Park episode).

I’d also like to remind everyone that everything I used to believe was necessary for dating a gal is exactly what every Redpill channel is now saying gals are unreasonably insisting on; you may have heard this shit brought up on TikTok called “Drizzle Drizzle”, and it’s supposedly some retaliation for the “Sprinkle Sprinkle” that the Redpillers refer to as “that unrealistic list of demands”; to literally BOTH of those, I say “to quote Shining Time Station/Thomas the Tank Engine, and the Nostalgia Critic: SPARKLE SPARKLE SPARKLE!

Now ask yourself this question:

If this “sprinkle sprinkle/drizzle drizzle” bullshit has actually come up in recent years to combat each other, with low frequency operators, do you really think their spectators have any solid life advice to offer you, for God’s plan for you?!

Is it any real surprise that they had nothing whatsoever to offer me? As a reminder, back then my inferiority complex was in full swing; no matter how much everything around me may have honestly sounded like Romper Room shit in hindsight, in my mind, they had to know something I didn’t, and that’s why they were “succeeding” in ways I thought I was supposed to, but did not in any way.

So, let’s bring this all home by laying it out like this:

I get that most of you amazing Autistic folks likely have a lot of concerns, feelings of inferiority, but also possibly things you’ve buried about yourself that I hope with the proper incentives you can finally unlock…..but you also have to understand Joe Normie does not have those incentives for you. Joe Normie is operating on “fake it til you make it”, which also means the beacon of energy you give off–being on the spectrum (potentially as an ascended master) means not only don’t they have it to give, but they really don’t want to give it to you, and risk the chance that it’ll expose their own insecurities in the process, even if all you want to do is lift them up, in the process!

They don’t have the answers you seek, and there’s no guarantee they’d even understand the answers if you tried articulating to them; the answers that will resonate for you are for you alone to do with as God needs you to do, and in a way God knows only you’ll understand. So it all goes back to….

Trust and follow your intuition above all else; if you don’t think you’re getting the proper answers to your question, and you find yourself getting an answer, but it only answers part of your question, and doesn’t answer it from a different perspective, then keep laying out your concern, and eventually God will lead you to the answer as you will understand it, but never settle for less than that, because deep down, you know it isn’t truly the satisfactory resolution that speaks to you.

Remember, God has a very high-altitude view, and in ways the average Joe definitely does not; he plays Chess on a level most–who aren’t even good at Checkers–can barely even comprehend; those terrible Checkers players–even if they do have some of your interests at heart–will not understand your concerns well enough to be able to answer them, nor do they usually have most answers for themselves, either; they consider that “good enough”, but even for them deep down it really isn’t. You don’t have to be that, as God wants so much more for you, and he sent you down here for exactly that mission.

Focus on your mission, focus on your intuition in God leading you thru that mission, and you may not only love the end result, but it may be better not only than you expected it to be, but with an understanding about it….you never even expected to have.

Talk to you folks again real soon 🙂

A Weight Is Gonna Be Lifted

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Greetings, everyone!

I wanted to give a quick update that the next big entry will be going up this upcoming week, the weekend most likely, slight possibility on Tuesday….I guess we shall see, either way.

What I have to discuss in that entry is gonna relate back to my dating experiences over the decades, but not specifically in relation to dating itself, rather a phenomenon I experienced in the process, and the understanding I now have for it in regards to why that happened, and how I’m pretty positive this is something that likely affects you, my wonderful readership, even if not specifically when it comes to the world of dating. I….think you’ll like this one; I’m gonna refer back to some things I brought up in this entry here, but I’m gonna elaborate some elements I didn’t exactly feel necessary to do so, at that time; plus I won’t lie….I was a little bit on the embarrassed side about it, at the time, but…..I’m now in the process of major self-forgiveness, and I will dive into that in the updates, as well.

I was initially considering posting this update last night (Friday, I refer to), but had a really bad headache, and decided when I got home to just flop into bed, instead.

So, I hope you’ll enjoy this one upcoming…and I hope it helps a lot of you folks out too! See ya soon 🙂

Third Time’s The Charm!

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

I’m actually glad I waited as late in the day as I did to post this one, as just as I was eating my delivery order, Kneon of Clownfish TV posted that the recent drama between Sony and Microsoft over their video game consoles may have sunk them both, leaving Nintendo the last man standing. Incidentally, I was just thinking yesterday at work about how I believe the early 1990s era of gaming was the most vital in its history; really nothing after that 1988-1995/6 period genuinely had the impact on the gaming world the way those 8 years did. Everything after the Super Nintendo was either just slightly improved graphics/sound, or “more mature gaming”, none of which was really destined to leave the long-term impact on consumers the way that specific era set the stage for everything that followed. I remember when the Sony Playstation was first advertised in the mid 1990s, and I really wasn’t impressed at all; I even remember stating to my Dad how they don’t have any experience in the gaming market whatsoever, so I don’t see the appeal.

Looking back, it was all clearly riding on what had been built up at that point, without genuinely establishing themselves as an outlier in the field (kinda like as I was discussing it all here, recently). When you think video games, you think Nintendo; brand recognition. When I think consumer electronics, I think Sony. When I think computers, I think Microsoft…and with Bill Gates in the mix, something else entirely, but that’s to discuss for another time.

Bottom line: Stick to your fields, boys.

I not only have several further announcements today, before I get to the “feature presentation”, but one of those announcements might be enough to fill a blog entry on its own…but due to current time constraints, and something I may be quite busy with this upcoming Wednesday, I’m…..gonna cram it all in here, so just bear with me, alright? The positive side is….that “potentially really long announcement” will also segue in quite nicely with portions of the main topic at hand, so it’s not like I’m straying dramatically or anything just to get an announcement out of the way 😉

So first and foremost (well, technically second now, after what I stated about Kneon from ClownfishTV) is a big mother:

The Hill news outlet–which we may all remember as the propaganda rag that decided to throw it’s hat into the ring to be my experimental subject, regarding dissecting the Anti-Autism narrative, by bringing up how “vaccines cause that disorder/disability known as Autism”–recently decided to attempt to rain on the parade of the political side that is most vocal about pushing the Anti-Autism narrative, and make some claims about their political candidate of choice. I took this opportunity to attempt to bring up to the “conspiracy” community “isn’t it funny how the same rag that bashed Autism is now bashing your guy?! Are ya….are ya possibly seeing a connection here at all?”

Friends, not only did they not see the connection, but with that contribution to the chats, something else fascinating happened: all discernment went out the window by them, and they not only started quoting every single propaganda “study” or way they’re told to “cure” Autism, but openly revealed what I’d officially like to call “ADS”: Autism Derangement Syndrome.

Perhaps you’ve heard a similar term to define irrational hatred of a certain public political figure, but when I say these folks were “seeing red” the minute I laid that out for them is the ultimate understatement, including toward “high-functioning” Autistic folks. I even asked them “before you keep going on these fervors about Autism, could you please elaborate on your understanding of what Autism is?” to which I received dead silence.

In other words, as soon as you bring up Autism, they turn into propaganda zombies. They will tell you to “wake up”, or “use discernment” to their hearts content, as long as it’s within their frame of understanding. Gotta love it!

However, there’s more than just my experience with that example as to the reason I brought it up, and was so important to the updates of this particular entry…..but because of how it ties into some other events that also recently happened:

Jeff Hicks of WorldClassBullshitters recently did a video on the 25th Anniversary re-release of Star Wars Episode I: the Phantom Menace, and that it’s doing really well at the box office. According to Jeff Hicks, it appears to be an “enough time has passed” thing where people–including those that grew up with it–are now seeing it in a different light, and appreciating it in ways they weren’t doing so before; incidentally, it’s one of the few Star Wars movies I not only actually like, but have since I first saw it! On top of that, in his video, Jeff brings up having recently checked out the movie ET, from 1982, and…..said he was rather underwhelmed…that it just didn’t do a lot for him overall…to which I commented to him on Twitter that I’ve felt the same way ever since I saw it on video, and he liked my comment 🙂

Ok, so what the Hell does that have to do with the price of sugar back in 1932, you may be wondering? Follow me here….

My final “minor” example involves my former roommate, before we get into that heavy hitter, and how it ties everything I’ve brought up thus far together:

During my birthday weekend, I had a chat with my former roommate, recommending he check out that Quiet On the Set miniseries, and he told me he actually had been doing so, and we talked about not only the connections with Epstein/Hollywood, but I also brought in how it related to passing mentions I’ve made in discussion with him here and there over the last few years. He seemed to genuinely get it, for his sake I was glad to hear it, and I even told him I really had no desire to see the new Ghostbusters movie, in part as a result of all of this. I might check it out on DVD via my library network at some point, but overall couldn’t really care less. Well, I heard from him this past week, telling me he’d just watched it, and following that up with ” you should put aside all the Epstein conspiracy theory nonsense, and definitely check this out, because they’re back at the NY Firehouse, and everything in this one!”

When he said that, it confirmed–just like I’d stated in this entry–he was the exact same guy I’d known when we parted ways as roommates, nearly 5 years ago now, up to and including trying to use who I used to be to bait me into what he wanted…again.

Ok, so where am I going with all these examples, and how does it lead into the big mother on the horizon? You may see a lot of chatter these days on Twitter or Instagram about a major energy shift currently happening…..all following April’s Solar Eclipse. I actually originally wrote about this phenomenon, and the involvement of the Schumann Resonance in this entry here, basically summing up how the energy shift is pushing all those masks off, and revealing who people truly are to the surface.

All those times you were treated like complete shit throughout your life, and gaslit/shamed over it because “you’re just a disabled Autistic guy/gal”? No….now everyone is experiencing who the people really are that treated you that way, and it’s accelerating heavily; they can’t hide it anymore; the crowds are “collapsing” in that aspect, essentially….and it’s an impressive thing to watch, at least I certainly think so. The reason I mentioned WorldClassBullshitters and the newfound enthusiasm over Episode I was because of what I’ve been saying throughout these entries that with the vibration rising, what you may have been able to see in your attempts to resonate with others via entertainment that they never did….they may very well be starting to now; so feel free to start feeling less alone, in a way 😉

Lemme now bring you into the big example in relation to this, and how it leads into a particular aspect of our feature presentation, this round:

I recently had a revelation while I was at work, and it involved how “down in the dumps” I used to lament being single in my teens and 20s…as very openly stated all the way back in this blog entry here:

Looking back, I realize I didn’t really want any of the gals that didn’t want me! They were into doing “typical teen/college kid” stuff, including drinking, partying, drugs, etc….until of course the “fallout” in the late 20s where they “had to follow the matrix guidelines, settle down, and pretend they were upstanding citizens, while secretly wishing they could still do that stupid bullshit”.

As I told two of my former classmates (who I still regularly chat with, today):

“incidentally, before I got back on my shift after break last night, I suddenly come to understand better why I did so poorly on the dating market, even back during our teen years and early 20s. No….I wasn’t what the gals wanted, but I don’t WANT to be what they wanted, looking back. It was all about partying, getting high, and drinking, only to pretend to “settle down”, and follow the matrix domesticated path. They could never have handled a guy like me, ESPECIALLY not then, when deep down NONE of that appealed to me. It all does make sense now”

And both of them (both married, might I add) basically said in unison “amen, bro!”, one even chiming in “it totally makes sense; it really does”. Ok, where am I going with this, you might be asking? Let’s go back to my recent entry about the higher calling we as Autistic folks have with Source; I discussed about how Jeanette thought she could totally “pull one over on me” and convince me she was all that and a bag of chips while being a total mess behind the scenes, to still appreciate everything I was offering her, and ever since losing it, it’s kept her wondering “what could’ve been?” Well, let us link these two instances together, because this is where things are gonna get really, really important:

I think part of the reason I turned off the gals around me even then was out of fear that I’d blow their facade completely, and if I did that, they lose everything as they’re used to it. Remember, Jeanette being kicked to the curb by me wasn’t simply a case of “eh, the scrawny nerd with no options just ditched this street urchin; what of it? Let’s move on”. No no no……when “the scrawny Autistic nerd” ended that relationship, her “sexual market value” plummeted. She was only in one subsequent relationship before running back to the only guy who would still take her. The man who disrupted the programming ended her charade, refused to be amongst her “rotation”, got the better parts of her crowd to see the fraud she really was, took them all with him in the process, and left her openly for everyone to see who she really was behind the veneer….and nothing she’s done since has made anyone think twice otherwise. She can’t hide it anymore.

Now, apply that to the crowd in NJ, where that social status/facade is everything and the kitchen sink. I say the East Coast is about to have enough problems soon enough, God spared them on this particular aspect……let’s see how the rest manage it out here in Ohio 😉

To my future wife: if you’re reading this right now, years from the time I post this, I hope you love how I elaborated all of this 🙂

So now that we got all that out of the way, finally we get to our Feature Presentation, regarding my Godson’s 3rd Birthday Party, and I will bring up when the aspect of why I made all those examples comes up again:

Unlike with the previous Birthday Parties, while it did require taking time off from work, it didn’t require switching schedules with another coworker to do it, as the Party would be held on Friday, as opposed to the weekend, the Friday incidentally being his actual birthday, and not some days after it!

One of the most memorable aspects of the day in fact was before the Party even began, being the drive there, as the event was scheduled in Bowling Green Ohio, and I thought I’d take the opportunity to check some of the retail stores there beforehand for my buddy in the Philippines for some store exclusives; something very important I want to mention in all of this is that up to this trip, I hadn’t been to Bowling Green in about 15 years: the last two times being on my first trip out to Ohio in 2005/2006, and a trip my former roommate and I had made while still working at the Kalahari Water Park to do some toy hunting; and when I say “toy hunting” I don’t mean “stopping by a few stores we happen to be in the vicinity of”, no….I mean “literally preparing days in advance with an itinerary of stores we want to hit up, for toys we want to get, mapping out the most convenient route to get from one store to the next, and factoring in getting gas, when we’d get up to head out, and where we’d be eating”; that’s what toy hunting was like! Yeah it’s….been quite some time since I did that; I think the last time was in the summer of 2020, and Source/My Higher Self visited me on the trip, and asked me “why are you here? You’re not supposed to be here, anymore.”

Anyway, after I finished checking the stores out (including Goodwill, in part for my thank-God-now-retired-former-coworker, who incidentally was clocking in for her last day), I punched in the address on my GPS for the Bowling Green Park, and I got the opportunity to drive thru the town on my way to the park, and a revelation hit me on the drive:

Bowling Green is a gorgeous town, and the reason I brought up that I hadn’t been there in 15 years is also significant in regard to that revelation, because the revelation involved events that hadn’t panned out with the Pop Culture project crew, in specific how I’d successfully gotten us press passes to a Con in Chicago, and we had to relinquish them, because the crew wasn’t driven enough to make it possible to attend. It was this drive thru Bowling Green–and all these years later–I finally felt closure over all the places I’d wanted to go with them that never happened and never would have; I’m not even the guy I was then, and many aspects I either….just wanted to take it in on my own terms, and/or potentially with upcoming/better people!

So I get to the Park, and see a parking lot with a huge building in front of me; I tried to go in to use the latrine (sound familiar?), but it seems the doors were locked, so for the moment, I decided to check out the nearby outdoor enclosures that the park consisted of, and try to find a bathroom nearby. I finally found one….and it was closed, but I figured the Partygoes would be there soon, so instead I decided to get out of the drizzle that was happening under one of the enclosures, and while I sat there, text Ursula to let her know I was there, and do my daily prayer session; I even took my shoes off while doing it, to have direct grounding, in the process.

They arrived a short time later, and after following them to the proper enclosure, and placing Howard’s birthday present on the table, I bolted to the bathroom that Evan showed me was available (there was no soap though, dammit; thankfully I didn’t have to go #2, and it’s a damn good thing, because the lock on the door didn’t work), and after returning, I told them I had to go grab something from my car; Howard was getting a little restless, so I offered to let him join me to get what I needed from my car, and his parents were fine with that. So, he followed me to my car, and I tell ya…..he was as hyper and energetic as we all are when we’re 3; even slowing down at certain intervals, trying to run back and forth and behind me at certain intervals, and then regaining momentum seconds later. I was patient with him the whole time; I remember being that age, and having all the energy he did, and I was happy to be there to have him release it as he needed to, rather then telling him not to have it. 😉

We got to the car, and I grabbed my water bottle out, headed back to the enclosure, and I decided to quickly munch on some shredded chicken they brought, to fill my stomach up, following which Ursula recommended that someone take Howard to the nearby playground, to which I was more than happy to oblige. And I’d like to add…while there, I made some fascinating observations about him too:

The playground featured a few play-on contraptions that my Godson liked to refer to as “the pirate ship”; he kept trying to get me to join him on them, but as they’re meant for very small children, I just had an intuition to stay off them, and simply watch him on it, though whenever he would call to me to come on it, I’d respond in some gritty Irish accent “Sorry Captain, I must man the lower deck, yaaaaaarrr!!!!!!!!!”. On the “pirate ship”, he came in contact with a few older kids, and kept making various attempts to get them to play with him….and they kept turning him down, including in front of their Moms. Oh, we know that feeling, don’t we, my fellow Autistic friends? Although in his case, it seemed that it was more because they saw him as too young to play with them, which I even relayed later on to his Mom when we returned to the enclosure, but we’ll get back to that.

The other observation I made was something he was doing while on the “pirate ship”, and by that I mean interacting with it: there was this spot with this steering wheel, and these nearby large blocks that built into the contraption that could be spun around, revealing different images. My Godson took it upon himself to keep spinning the steering wheel, and turning the blocks around, indicating he was associating what he saw on the blocks with what he was pretending to steer toward, and right there and then my mind was utterly blown by the realization that this kid was already showing abstract thinking, and literally the day he turned 3 years old!

A short time later, he wanted his Mommy, so I took him back to the enclosure, and told her the observations I made; I’m not gonna lie….when I told her about his abstract thinking, and she said “he is very smart!”, I wanted to let my eyes roll out of their sockets, because what parent doesn’t fucking say their kid is smart?! This isn’t just smart, girl, this is amazing, for a 3-year-old!!!!!!!!!!! However, she absolutely loved hearing his squeals of joy on the playground, and clearly heard me interacting constantly with him, INCLUDING with this car attached to a giant spring that we sat in, and I was rocking us like we were blasting down the road; I even included singing “Little Old Lady From Pasadena” while doing it 😉

All the same, a short time later, the other guests started arriving, including Ursula and Evan’s siblings with their kids, finally giving Howard some playmates, so I spent a few minutes saying hi to all of them, and chatting with them for a couple of minutes, and then we all followed the kids back to the playground to let them do their thing…and I was thankful that this time, I had reinforcement to watch all of them; incidentally, as they were called back cause it was time to eat, Howard tried following his female cousin to the bathroom, and I caught up to him, grabbed him up, and brought him back to the enclosure, and he was in tears from not being able to follow his cousin; he’s 3 though, so he got over it quickly 😉

While everyone ate, I kinda just sat there, and observed everyone, and their interactions; Evan came up to me asking if I was ok; I told him I was just fine, and observing, really. BTW, when I say the “numbers are thinning” from the previous social gatherings I’ve had with Ursula and Evan, I ain’t saying it for my health: Ursula and Evan’s families were there, Tarah was there, another close friend of her’s, and….that was it. All the riff-raff from the previous years seems to be going the way of the dodo, and to quote REM “I feel fiiiiiiine….”After they finished eating, we made one final trip to the playground–this time with Evan in tow–and after we got back, Ursula had an Easter Egg hunt for them that we wanted to do the weekend I got sick, but perhaps inclement weather then prevented it from happening, not sure.

After concluding the Easter Egg hunt, we did the opening of presents, and two very important things I want to mention here:

First off, Ursula and Evan had brought along these three chairs they bought at Costco; they’re foldable chairs that can rock back and forth, and I loved my experience with the chairs so much, I gave them cash right then and there to buy me two of them! I actually wound up flat-out taking one of them home with me from the party, and they bought me an additional one at Costco.

The other thing happened while I was sitting in one of the chairs, during the gift opening, and this is the aspect that involves the emphasis on all the updates at the beginning of this entry, today:

Just like over 20 years ago at that farewell party for my departing-Suncoast store manager Iggy, I was again surrounded by people married and in relationships, with maybe only one or two others who were of the single variety, but this time, rather than “lament being lonely and alone” etc…..I was laying back in that chair, rocking and enjoying every moment of it, while enjoying experiencing my Godson’s enthusiasm over his unwrapping his gifts. I actually kept thinking back to that moment, even as I was driving back home that night, as if God were saying to me then and there “Congratulations, I let you re-experience a particular event, and this time, you passed with flying colors!”

BTW, not gonna lie… much as I’m thankful that his parents loved the gift I got him (The Sweet Pickles Bus, and several books from the series), and I’m so thankful all their gifts are now out of my apartment, my two favorite gifts he received this year were not from me:

He got a Bluey house playset with a ton of figures, and he got this epic store-brand military action figure set with a copter, and some other vehicles; only reason I haven’t gotten him any action figures yet is cuz I don’t know what he’s into (y’know, cause he’s 3) of that vicinity; hopefully I’ll have more answers when he’s 4–and I already have something in mind, but we’ll take it as it comes–but yeah….nothing topped those two in my mind, but hopefully he’ll get plenty out of the books, and the activity set “Bus” 🙂

As the event drew to a close, and everyone started to leave–and I gave ’em all big hugs, cause even I adore ’em like crazy at this point–we started loading up the cars, and Ursula’s Uncle called her, and told her that he’d misplaced his keys, and thought he might’ve left them there. While we searched the parking lot for the keys, we didn’t find keys, but we did find a Mario Kart Koopa Troopa toy which….wound up unintentionally being another gift for Howard. Ursula received another call shortly thereafter, letting her know they found the keys….at his place. Apparently he left them outside, and somebody put them inside for him.

Once that was secured, I gave Ursula and Evan big hugs, gave Howard a kiss on his forehead, wished him Happy Birthday, and made my own way back to look for my car/where I parked in the parking lot; as I wasn’t entirely familiar with this location, I knew to look for a monument that I took a picture of (posting it on IG and Tiktok in conjunction with advertising this entry) to locate my car; as I was walking around the premises, I saw a worker, and asked him where it was, and he said he didn’t know, so I started getting a big worried and frustrated, feeling confused as I wasn’t entirely sure of my way, only to see the damn monument a short distance from him. From there, I made my way to my car, put in the new chair, and was about to try to relocate that bathroom with no soap….when I realized a lot of people were heading into that building, as Ursula had told me earlier a Graduation ceremony was being held there that night, so I followed the people in, and used the very nice restroom in there instead, before heading back to my car, and driving home for the night.

Also before I left, I signed some papers that Ursula presented me, regarding Power of Attorney, since I’m not close with my family (as we all know), and they’re mostly on the Coasts anyway; I’m simply gonna have Ursula be connected with my Uncle, once all the forms are completed, should such an emergency arise.

So, that was my fun day at my Godson’s birthday party, I hope you all enjoyed my story, as well as my revelations, and all the updates that went along with it; hope to have a lot more goodies to share with you real soon.

This weekend, I have my guinea pigs’ maintenance to do, might take a walk down to the marina tomorrow, want to look into some good walkie talkies, and I have dishes to do as well….also gotta remember to check for the Aurora Borealis too, from what I’m hearing.

You folks have a good one, and we’ll talk again soon, cool? 🙂

Friends, Romans, Countrymen: Lend Me Your Ears…..

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Hey all!

The new blog entry is likely to be going up this weekend, along with as part of the updates a fascinating experience I had earlier today with the “tin-foil hat” community, my former room-mate, and how it all ties together with something that happened at the Toledo Zoo a few weekends ago, and how it all goes back to what I said in these two entries about the rising ascension; people really are showing their true colors now, and…..I guess I’ve done enough self-work to–admittedly feel slightly betrayed at first, but after a while–find it both hilarious, and be thankful that God is revealing it all to me, and at once, and just as he’s gonna do for all of you in this time!

So….a lot of goodies to share this weekend; I’ll see ya then!

Bowling On the Green

Don’t forget to look me up on Instagram, and Twitter under “RealAutismSpeak” if you want to follow my daily exploits, for more than what I’m able to put out here–for the time–on this blog! Also on TikTok, Clouthub, Gab, Telegram, GETTR, and Minds as well.

Hey all!

I just got back from my Godson’s 3rd Birthday Party in Bowling Green, Ohio; yes, a full-length blog entry will be coming up about it, but the reason I wanted to bring it up is that I got two major life lessons out of it, both of which also featured somewhat of a sense of “closure” over certain past elements of my life, if you will, and I intend to discuss them more thoroughly via that entry.

Anyway, I had a fantastic time with my Godson and his family, and I’ll be telling you folks all about the adventure, likely this upcoming week…so look out for that one.

You folks have a good one, and we’ll discuss it all soon, and hopefully so much more 🙂

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